hrmony Flashcards
what kind of harmony is featured in the brandenburg and how is this shown?
-primary chords
-perfect cadences
-some suspentions
when is there a pedal in the brandenburg?
tonic pedal in bar 90
what kind of harmony is featured in purcell?
-functional (same as brandenburg)
when is dissonance used in purcell?
used for word painting - snakes
what kind of harmony is featured in the beethoven piano sonata?
-chromatic harmony
-diminished 7ths
-perfect and interrupted cadences
-circle of fifths
what kind of harmony is used in queen?
-root chords / first inversion
-altered and extended chords
when can a circle of fifths be seen in queen?
bars 20-21
when can pedal be seen in queen?
bars 27-30
describe the harmony of defying gravity?
-root position chords
-unrelated chord progressions
-extended chords
when is the pedal in defying gravity?
bar 168
describe the harmony of the star wars fanfare?
quartal harmony
describe the harmony of star wars?
-diatonic (major and minor chords, root and first inversion
-complex chord progressions
-perfect/imperfect cadences
when is there atonality in star wars?
when are there cluster chords in star wars?
bar 44
decsribe the harmony of afrocelt?
-modal (celtic)
-chord sequences = repetitive
-extended chords
-static harmony
describe the harmony of samba
-jazz influence = 7ths
-extended chords
-chromatic chords
when is there a flattened fifth chord in samba?
bar 44