HR frame Flashcards
HR assumptions
- organizations exist to serve the employees/people
- people and organizations need each other
- if the ralationship between individuals and the system is bad, both parties suffer from this
- good mutual relationship benefits both parties
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (not evidence based)
there is a hierarchy in human needs, where people focus on a higher level of need when the lower level is satisfied:
1. physiological needs
2. safety and security
3. affection
4. self-esteem
5. self-actualization
McGregor’s XY theory
if you treat people a certain way, they will behave accordingly:
Theory X = posits employees as passive, lazy, lacking ambition. (hard [control] or soft [avoiding conflict]).
theory Y = posits it is an essential task of management to create conditions that allow people to best achieve their goals by directing their efforts toward organizational rewards.
HR dilemma
should an organization prioritize flexibility and adaptability or commitment and loyalty? should is choose high skills or low costs?
lean and mean
smaller, flexible workforce: lower costs, high efficiency and ability to respond to market fluctuations.
- relationships with customers and suppliers remain shallow due to brief engagment.
- employees are less motivated and committed because they know they can be replaced at any moment or because their work temporary.
evidence-based management perspectives and types of resources
a framework that helps people, teams and organizations make better informed decisions to help them achieve their goals by using intentional experimentation and feedback.
4 types of resources:
1. scientific literature
2. data from within the organizations
3. data experts
4. data of other stakeholders
boundedly rational
boundedly rational agents experience limits in formulating and solving complex problems and processing information. two cognitive systems:
1. system 1: intuitive and fast, not analytic
2. system 2: rational/critical
not evidence based practices and ideas
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- myers-briggs type indicator
- emotional intellegence
- gen X, Y, Z
various HR strategies
- develop and implement an HR philosophy
- hire the right people
- retain employees
- invest in emplyees
- empower employees
- promote diversity
empowerment and benefits
keep employees informed and invest in their development.
- participation boosts production, morale and performance.
- providing resources motivates employees to contribute as they see the big picture, and perform better.
- redesigning work -> enrichment -> motivation
- equality entails a democratic workplace where mployees are integrated in the decision-making proces, reducing stress
self-determination theory
framework to study motivation and personality. conditions that support the most high quality forms of motivation:
- autonomy = the feeling that you’re able to make your own choices
- competence = feeling you have the skills to perform a certain task
- relatedness = experiencing social connectedness