HR Flashcards
HR objectives
Employee engagement and involvement
Talent development
Alignment of values
Number, skills, location of employees
Employee engagement and involvement
If you feel valued, and feel like an employee, and that you can make a genuine impact on b.
Increase motivation
Increase staff retention
Internal influences
Cooperate obj-growth, survival
Marketing- training
Operations- cpaital vs labour production
Hard HR
+useful for crisis
+quicker decision
+ensure consistency
-impact on motivation
- poor employee relations
- not utilise employees potential
Soft HR
+contribute,make most of their skills
+useful when experienced employees
+allows creativity and innovation, can encourage to think like an entraprenuer, intraprenerurship
Labour productivity
More each worker producing, lowers unit costs
Rising LP sign of employee engagement and motivation
Formula from employee costs as a % of turnover
Employee costs/ sales revenue x100
Labour cost per unit formula
Total labour cost/total output
Avg amount a B needs to spend on labour per unit over a period of time
If the same number of staff can produce more units, until cost will fall
Falling labour cost
Higher profit margins,
or the ability to cut the selling price and retain same profit margain and be more competitive
What does Hackman and Oldham show
Identifies characteristics of a job that is likely to lead to higher performance and job satisfaction - like labour productivity, cost per unit, labour turnover
Core job characteristics HACKMAN AND OLDHAM
Skill variety
Task identity
Task significance
All three lead to meaningful work and high internal motivation
Leads to responsibility from outcomes of work and high quality performance
Feedback from Job
Leads to knowledge of actual results , and high satisfaction with work
Span of control
Number of subordinates that a manager is control of
Level of hierarchy
Number of layers of employees within an organisational structure
Tall hierarchy
Long chain of command (lots of layers) and short span of control (each manager not in charge of many people)
More managerial control and support
Promotional opportunities
Less stress for workers
Low morale, lack of commitment
Training for skills
Flat heirarchy
Short chain of command
Wide spans of control (each manager in charge of many people)
Delegation and power
Encouraged to act like an entrepreneur- intrapreneurship
Greater responsibility (H+O) more autonomy-responsibility for work- higher quality performance
Fosters creativity
Strategic decisions made by senior management team- communicate down organisational structure
+ and - of centralised
+decisions made quickly , little consultation needed
+management are experts, best decisions
+lead to consistency
+economies of scale if decisions by head office
- central managers may not have specific local decisions
-lack of motivation lower down
+ and - of decentralisation
+local manners close to customers, meet more local demands
+increased responsibility may lead to increased motivation
+less resistance to change, understand decisions better so easier to implement them
- can lead to inconsistency
-can have low skill levels
Internal recruitment
Lower recruitment costs
Improved promotion - motivation
Known abilities
Reduces extra talent, expertise,
Reduces new ideas
External recruitment
Increases talent
New ideas and expertise
Increase number of applicant and therefore choice
Higher recruitment costs
Opportunity costs
Upset internal candidates
Hard to accurately assess skills
Taylors theory - motivation
Assumes employees are motivated by money
Most productive, efficient way
Peace rate pay- paid for every item prodicuced
Specialisation/ division of labour
- do one thing they re good at continuously
Tall hierarchy
Centralised structure
Maslow needs
Self actualisation -best version of yourself, all the below
Self esteem - recognition for work
Social - good relationships,
Safety - cant be motivated or perform well if dont feel safe
Physiological - basic, food, sleep , if dont have these, not motivated
Motivating factors- lead to job satisfaction
Promotion, recognition, growth, training
Hygiene factor- reduce job dissatisfaction
Something present that reduces opp for people to be annoyed about their work, pay, benefits,work conditions, job security
Non financial methods of motivation
Job enlargement - change design of job so greater scope of things for employees to do
Job enrichment
Job rotation