HPM 11.1 Admin Procedures Flashcards
When is per diem authorized. (2-13)
Per diem is not allowed within 50 miles of the employee’s headquarters or employee’s residence.
What is a Long-Term Assignment? (2-6)
A long-term assignment is any assignment of 31 days or more to a given location other than the employee’s headquarters.
employees shall
furnish original receipts when claiming reimbursement for lodging, airline tickets,
ground transportation, vehicle rentals, rental vehicle refueling, valid excess
baggage fees, training expenses, professional dues, licenses and fees, and for any
item of expense of $________or more. (2-12)
Cost before you need receipt for Bus/Rail how bout Taxi, hotel bus shuttle, street car, rapid transit? (2-12)
Cost before you need receipt for Parking? (2-12)
When is a shortage from petty cash reported. Moved to HMP. 11.2 (2-8)
Shortages due to fraud, embezzlement, burglaries, or robberies shall be reported to FMS, APU, Next Business Day
How many days to comply with Subpoena Duces Tecum? (10-8)
Penal Code Section 1054.5(b) allows 15 days for compliance to an informal discovery request.
How much can we collect for witness fees for uniformed or non-uniformed employees? (11.1 CH.4 MM 10/1/2015)
$275 a day per employee
What form is completed for each Civil Subpoena received? (10-16)
A CHP 90, Report of Court Appearance - shall be submitted to the Accounting Section within 24 hours.
As a Sergeant, how would you handle a request from a citizen, who under the Public Records Act (PRA), comes into the office and demands to know the salary rate of one of your employees. Will you honor this request?
What information is releasable under the Public Records Act? (13-3)
Employee information including name, work location, classification, assignment, gross salary rate, dates of employment, time base, rehire information, & training received at state expense.
Certain arrest & crime information (arrest information on juveniles cannot normally be released). Additionally, arrest logs must be released to the public.
The information required to be contained on the arrest log is the name, home address, date of birth, gender, & criminal charges against the arrestee. Only business addresses of peace officers arrested shall be placed on the log.
Are Collision Reports/Investigations releasable under the Public Records Act (PRA) (13-4)
Accident reports can be released under the PRA.
The Department must notify a person(s) making a public records request within how many days? (13-5)
Upon receipt of a request for records, the Department must, within 10 days, make a determination whether to comply with the request.
The above time limit may be extended in unusual circumstances, such as the need to search for records from other offices or review of a voluminous amount of records.
What are energy saving temps for AC/heating and Water heater? (14-30)
Never heated above 68- cooled below 78
What is the max available for cost recovery from DUI program? (20-3)
12,000 dollars
Can we collect DUI cost if the case is pled to a lesser offense? (20-4)
Submit CHP 735 cost recovery within how many days of date BAC over .08% or conviction for DUI? (20-4)
10 business days
What is an X number? (23-3)
An X Number is a streamlined mechanism to quickly obtain simple services that have a total cost under $5,000 per state FY. An X Number is provided in advance to contract service or repairs.