How we get the work Flashcards
advertisement for bids
Public notice, providing information regarding bidding for public jobs
best value
Selection process where proposals contain price and qualitative components. Evaluation matrix used.
closed bid
Private project and not open to the public. Bid by invitation only. ( invitation for bid)
invitation for bid
Notification sent to selected contractors, with information on the submission of bids on a private project.
open bid
Competitive bidding for all public projects. Advertised publicly. allows any qualified contractor to submit a bid
Process in which an owner, upon minimum financial, management, and other qualitative data, determines if contractor qualified to compete for the project
price proposal
A design-build proposal that stipulates the price the design-builder will provide the design and construction to complete project.
public-private partnership
Business venture approach, public sector authority and private enterprise join and combine resources to deliver government projects.
request for proposals
RFP: Document by the owner, requesting pricing and a technical solution for design and or constriction services.
request for qualifications
RFQ: Document by the owner, prior to an RFP to solicit qualifications. It can be used to shortlist proposers, or as final competitive submittal.
responsive bid (or proposal)
A bid or proposal package that meets all of the requirements of the solicitation instrument.
Narrowing the field of offers through the selection of the most qualified proposers on the basis of qualification.
technical proposal
Desgin-build proposal that contains, conceptual design for the projects. May include scheduling, team makeup, overall management plan.
weighted criteria
An evaluation method used in best-value selection, maximum point values are assessed for qualitative and price components. highest total points win.
Purpose of labour and material payment bond
A guarantee back by a surety, that payment for the contractor’s labour and materials used on the project will be made.
three selection methods and the solicitation instrument used for each
- low-bid: invitation for bid
- best-value: request for proposals
- qualification-based: request for qualifications
name three factors that are considered before deciding to bid
Owner Architect Location Present workload Technical aspects of the job High-profile project type of project size of project