How influential was Enoch Powell's speech in the conservative election win of 1970? Flashcards
How many votes did the Tories gain from Enoch Powell’s speech?
Powell’s speech secured an additional 2.5 million votes for the conservatives.
How did Powell affect other parties supporters with his speech
According to British Historian R.W. Johnson 18% of Labour support and 24% of Liberal supporters swapped to Conservatives following his political speeches.
What was the main fault of the Wilson government between 1964-70?
Wilson’s government failed to control the growing power and popularity of the trade unions and this lost him support of the more moderate elements within society and within his own cabinet.
How was the Labour support base divided?
Labour party support was divided between the traditional support base of the working class man and the new support base of educated free thinkers.
Major Harold Wilson mistake [European issue]
Wilson’s decision to apply for EEC membership as a way of securing an improvement in British economy alienated him from large portions of his own party including the trade unions. Failure to secure membership made him further alienate himself from the right of his party who wanted to join the EEC.
Foreign policy failures of Labour [1964-70]?
Wilson’s foreign policy failed to secure any significant gains for Britain: failures in Europe, Rhodesia and peace talks over the Vietnam war showed the UK that Wilson lacked talent in the area.
What major failure to with the US alienated Labour with their young fan base?
Wilson again showed his lack of nuance in the area of foreign policy as he lost support from younger voters and the left of his party as failed to condemn the American intervention in Vietnam and was seen as indiscriminately supportive and subservient to the US.
Why didn’t young voters didn’t like Labour anymore?
Younger voters also didn’t like Labour as it didn’t appeal to them, the idea that the UK was a puppet of the US was a very strong idea at this point in time. British foreign policy at the time was undoubtedly focused on the British economy and the only way the economy could remain intact was through the use of American loans that helped to stimulate growth in our economy.
Why did the focus on American loans and handouts make the UK look like a puppet of the US?
This created the stereotype that the UK was a puppet of the UK which in turn negatively impacted the UK as they were not able to join the EEC as certain European members didn’t want the UK to join due to the fear that they would be an ear-piece for the US.