how healthy is the uk democracy Flashcards
+ voter participation in recent elections has increases from some of the lows of the 2000s , which improved
representative democracy and legitimacy of government
+ the development of the social media has allowed people to become more involved with
pressure group movements to raise awareness of current issues improving pluralist democracies
+ citizens rights have been increasingly enshrined in parliamentary legislation which improved
liberal democracy
+ the creation of the UK supreme court from 2005 added a body that can challenge the power of the government improving both
pluralist and liberal democracy
+ increasing devolution has spread power throughout the UK improving
Pluralist democracy
+ referendums have become an increasing and accepted feature of the UK political system improving
direct democracy
+ the UKs elections are free and fair and there is universal suffrage all of which are key principles of
liberal democracy
- voter participation may have increased but turnout is only around 65-69% for general elections and low for many other elections thus this undermines the
legitimacy of elected representatives and the government that is formed
- participation in the form of party memebrship has broadly declined too meaning that the few citizens who are party members are playing a large role in
shaping policy undermining pluralist democracy
- the Supreme Court can be ignored by the UK government as parliament is sovereign which could limit the power of the court to challenge gov undermining
liberal democracy
- parliament has made laws that restrict the rights of citizens including the right to strike , the right to protest and brining in stricter voter identification laws and there is little that can be done to challenge legislation undermining
liberal democracy
- referendums are called only when the government wishes as seen with the Scottish governments request for a second independence referendum this undermines the
use of direct democracy in the UK
- the UK’s use of first past post could undermine voter choice as minor parties are unlikely to win and under 18 yr olds and prisoners still
do not have the right to vote