How Drugs Bind to Targets Flashcards
drugs that target intracellular receptors must be… (2)
able to cross pmemb. (lipid-soluble or have a transport mechanism)
ex of drugs w/ intracellular receptors
steroid hormones
ligand-binding domain
heat-shock protein
4 steps for drugs binding to intracellular receptor
- drug binds to LBD
- HSP or other chaperone is displaced
- drug/receptor complex translocates to nucleus and binds to response element
- DNA recognition domain is exposed, target genes are transcribed
effects of drugs that bind to intracellular receptors have ____-onset and ____-lasting effects
slow and long (not rapidly reversible)
GPCRs stands for…
G-protein coupled receptors
GPCR general cascade
extracellular ligand binding triggers conf. change in receptor which is coupled to intracellular G-protein cascade (separate from receptor)
GTP activity of G-protein (4)
receptor activation promotes GDP to GTP exchange of G-protein, Ga and Gby subunits dissociate, GTP hydrolysis by Ga acts as timer for signal termination, G-proteins reassemble
G-proteins are (homo/hetero)(di/tri/tetrameric)
which g subunit has GTPase activity?
G alpha
G beta and gamma subunits can…
influence activity of proteins (stay associated with pmemb.)
GPCRs are categorized by…
G alpha subtype
Ga 3 subtypes and targets
- Gs: activates adenylyl cyclase
- Gi: inhibits adenylyl cyclase
- Gq: phospholipase C
AC stands for…
adenylyl cyclase
PLC stands for…
phospholipase C
distinction between Gby and Ga subunit effects
Gby directly affects effector; Ga has affects on initial components that have downstream effects
G alpha s (AC) cascade (4)
agonist binds to rec, GTP-G(as) activates AC, enzymatic activity converts ATP to cAMP, cAMP activates PKA
protein kinase A
cAMP binding to PKA cascade (3)
cAMP binds to 2 R (reg) subunits of PKA, 2 C (cat) subunits dissociate, cat subunits phosphorylate substrates w/ ATP
G alpha i general cascade
suppresses AC, cAMP production and PKA activity
GPCRs vs intracellular (steroid) receptor distinction
GPCRs act very quickly
G alpha q (PLC) cascade (3)
agonist binds to rec, GTP-G(aq) activates PLC, enzymatic activity hydrolyzes PIP2 to IP3 and DAG
IP3 cascade (2)
binds to IP3 receptors in ER, Ca is released (can bind to calmodulin)
DAG cascade (2)
activates PKC which phosphorylates substrate w/ ATP
PKC stands for…
protein kinase C
TKRs stands for…
tyrosine kinase receptors
TKRs general cascade (4)
extracellular ligand binds to TKR causing dimerization, activation by autophosphorylation, phosphorylation of substrates w/ ATP
TKR ligand ex
TKRs vs GPCRs distinction
TKR is a receptor and a kinase that has effects on substrates (smaller cascade vs GPCRs)