How did the presidency change FDR Flashcards
What did FDR say in his inaugural speech 1933
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
What helped FDR
Congress accepted his first banking bill, pushing through laws on banking, taxation, economic help for farmers and home owners in difficulty and unemployment
What is an inaugural speech
The first speech made by an upcoming president
What did FDR use that are designed for only emergencies
Presidential executive orders to push laws through as congress wasn’t doing much
What happened as a result of FDR not knowing much about economy
Inflation rose by his economic measures
What made FDR closer to the political environment
Fireside chats which is a radio broadcast which let the people know what his policies were about
He received letters from ordinary people who asked him for help and thanking him for his role
He held off the record press meetings twice a week with selected reporters at the white house
How much was FDR elected
4 terms where a normal would be 2 terms. 1 term is 4 years
Who disliked his policies
wealthy business people
slight democrats
Who was he compared to in 1940 election
Hitler, Mussolini, Stain
What alphabet agencies were ruled as unconstitutional in 1937
Who was his successor
What was the white house expected to tell the media and public
About policy