How did Adolf Hitler become a dictator and consolidate power? Flashcards
What Hitler do to stop the rising communist support and gain power as Fuhrer?
The SA disrupted violent meetings. He gave Nazis have the top and most important jobs such as Police chief. He appointed Joseph Goebells?
Who was appointed Head of Propaganda in 1933?
Joseph Goebells was appointed Head of Propaganda.
When was the Reichstag fire?
The Reichstag fire was on 27th February 1933.
Who did Hitler blame for the Reichstag fire?
Hitler blamed the young communist Van Der Lubbe.
How did the Reichstag fire benefit Hitler?
The Reichstag fire enabled Hitler to convince Hindenburg to pass Article 48. It made communists be banned from the election and also shut down communist newspapers.
What did article 48 do?
Article 48 allowed Hitler to to emergency measures without the consent of the Reichstag.
What did Hitler do after the Nazi party didn’t get the majority?
Hitler formed a coalition with the Catholic Centre party.
What did the Enabling Act do?
The Enabling Act allowed Hitler to pass laws without the consent of Hindenburg or the Reichstag.
What did Hitler do to try intimidate the opposition parties and get more power?
Hitler used the SS and SA to make opposition parties to follow your orders and vote for the Nazi
After Hitler gets power and the enabling act passes, what does he do?
Hitler bans trade unions and puts Nazi in local government positions and top jobs. He also opens up the first concentration camp.
What was the first concentration camp?
The first camp was Dachau.
What was the name of the secret police?
What does Hitler do at the end when he’s nearly got pull power?
Hitler bans all political parties. He makes Germany a one party state and a dictatorship country. He also waits for Hindenburg to die to become Fuhrer. He also has Ernest Rohm murdered.
What does dictatorship?
Dictatorship is when a country is led by one leader or dictator.
When does Hitler become Fuhrer?
1934 August 2nd
Who was Rudolf Hess?
Rudolf Hess was the deputy Fuhrer and Hitler’s secretary.
Who was Goering?
Hermann Goring was Deputy Fuhrer