How deep is the brain? Flashcards
Teacher: Suzuki
Why can the hierarchical view be problematic?
The more levels of hierarchy, the more synapses to pass through, the longer it takes –> the slowness of biological synaptic transmission matters
Which brain areas project to the basal pontine nuclei and what does this mean for the hierarchy from the BPN point of view?
All cortical areas similarly projecct to BPN
–> from BPN’s perspective, there is no hierarchy, its all one big layer
How is visual processing hierarchally built?
Following from V1 to the ventral pathway, more complex features are processed, but from this pathway on, V1 is just the first stage of visual processing
What can subcortical projections from V1 do?
They can affect behavior
What is the underrepresented anatomical evidence that there is a cortical hierarchy?
- The fact that each cortical area not only sends but also receives direct projections from subcortical areas
- The development of cortical hierarchy depends on the thalamus
- Extraordinary computational cpacity of each corticlal circuit, e.g. 1 pyramidal cell = 5-8 layer deep net.
Which subcortical areas that project to the cortex?
- Thalamic nuclei (first order, higher-order, other)
- Claustrum
- Superior colliculus
- Neuromodulator nuclei
What is the shallow brain hypothesis?
The brain has a shallow (fast) architecture interwoven with the cortical area hierarchy
–> The cortex is an array of massively parallel RNNs, each of which directly and reciprocally communicates with subcortical areas
- The computational capacity of hierarchical architecture is utilized
- Extraordinary computational capacity of cortical microcircuit permits fast yet powerful computations
Which cells are the key player in the shallow architechture and why?
Layer 5 pyramidal cells as the key driver:
- They are the most active excitatory cells
- They directly receive signals from the thalamus and other subcortical areas
- Directly project to subcortical regions
–> create a disynaptic fast pathway
How can shallow architectures compete with deep ones according to the McCulloch & Pitts model?
They see dendrites as passive receivers
What does the McCulloch & Pitts model understimate?
It significantly understimates the computational capacity of real biological neurons
What are the key computational benefits?
- Local learning: no need for backprpgagation of errors across layers
- Speed: synaptic transmission is slow –> the fewer synapses, the faster
- Compositionality & flexible combination of features
Within the cortical hierarchy, different levels of information can be combined.
How does the brain select one or combine multiple cortical outputs?
Via the basal ganglia that connects to subcortical motor/premotor centres
How is flexible combination of low and high-level information carried out?
In a subcortical area and not in the cortex
Why is the basal ganglia important for combination within the hierarchy?
The BG projects to the thalamus and the brainstem. The projections are not independent of each other but are orchestrated to flexibly combine or regulate the massively parallel cortical outputs
In what kind of tasks do shallow architechtures outperform deep ones?
In tasks that require compositionality and flexible combination of features