Hovland- Personality Disorders Flashcards
What is personality?
A complex organization of individual characteristics, attitudes, beliefs.
It is enduring and predicatable.
What are the six criteria for diagnosing personality disorders?
- Enduring pattern of behavior that deviates from expectations of individual’s culture.
- Pattern is inflexible and pervasive
- Leads to impaired social functioning
- Pattern is stable and of long duration
- Not d/t other mental disorder
- Not d/t substance abuse
-should not be diagnosed in pt under 18
What are Cluster A personality disorders?
Odd/eccentric behavior
- Paranoid PD- 2-10% M>F
- Schizoid PD F
- Schizotypal PD- 3-5% M>F
What are the characteristics of Paranoid PD?
Both + and -
Distrust others
-Others are exploiting/deceiving
-loyalty/trust of friends
-won’t confide in others
-reads threatening meaning into benign events
-regards partners sexual activity as suspicious
What are the characteristics of schizoid PD?
Only - Detachment from social relationships -Neither wants or enjoys close relationships -chooses solitary activities -takes pleasure in few activities
What are the characteristics of schizotypal?
Only - Reduced capacity for close relationships and eccentric behavior -odd beliefs/magical thinking -paranoid ideation -inappropriate affect -lack of close friends -excessive social anxiety
How do you treat Cluster A disorders?
- reduce isolation
- help person adjust to solitary life style
- tx obvious sx (illusions w/ haloperidol)
What are Cluster B disorders?
Dramatic, emotional, erratic
- Antisocial PD: M>F
- BPD: 2-10% of pop and 30-60% of psychiatric pop, F>M, many die by suicide, comorbid w/ mood disorers
- Histrionic PD: F> M
- Narcissistic PD: M>F
What are the characteristics of antisocial personality disorder?
Disregard and violates otehrs
- failure to conform to social norms
- lies
- impulsive, irritable, aggressiveness
- disregard for safety of self and otehrs
- irresponsible, can’t sustain work
- lack of remorse, can rationalize hurting others
*a least 18, often see CD before age 15
What are explanations for APD?
- genetic influences
- neurobiological: under arousal, fearlessness, behavioral inhibition system/reward system is malfunctioning
What is treatment for APD?
- parent training-for traits evidence in childhood
- prevention-anti-bullying/consequence based interventions
- prison- response prevention for society
What are the characteristics of BPD?
Instability of interpersonal relationships, self image, impulsivity
- imagined abandonment
- unstable and intense interpersonal relationships
- identity disturbance
- impulsivity
- instability of emotion
- recurrent suicidal behavior
What are caused of BPD?
- familial mood disorders
- cog processing deficit
- early trauma (92% abuse/neglect)
- similar to PTSD
How do we treat BPD?
TCA- complicated by alcohol/drug patterns
DBT-group and individual therapy, track responses to situations
What is histrionic PD?
emotional and attention seeking behavior
- uncomfortable when not center of attention
- inappropriate sexual behavior
- self dramatization
- easily influenced
- believes relationships more intimate than actually are
What are the characteristics of narcissistic PD?
Need for admiration, lack of empathy
- Fantasies about unlimited success, brilliance, beauty
- lacks empathy
- sense of entitlement
- interpersonally exploitive
What are cluster C disorders?
Fearfulness and anxiety
- Avoidant PD: M=F
- Dependent PD: M=F, aggreeing with others to avoid rejection, submissive, timid, passive
- Obsessive Compulsive Personality disorder: 3-10% in mental health settings
What are the characteristics of avoidant PD?
Pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation in social relationships.
- avoids interpersonal contact
- want to work alone
- reject before they can be rejected
- can’t manage intimate relationships
- preoccupation w/ being rejected
- inferior to others
What is the tx for avoidant PD?
- social skills training
- behavioral interventions for anxiety
- behavioral rehersal
What are the characteristics of Dependent PD?
Needs to be taken care of is submissive, clingy and fears separation (M>F)
- difficulty making decisions and needs reassurance
- can’t initiate projects
- needs nurturing relationships
- seeks other relationships
What are the characteristics of obsessive compulsive personality disorder?
Preoccupation w/ orderliness, perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control. Rigid and inflexible personality
- preoccupied w/ rules
- devoted to work
- over conscientious
- won’t delegate tasks