Allen- Conduct Disorders Flashcards
Conduct disorders are more common in…
Anxiety and depression are more common in…
What are the diagnostic criteria for CD?
- Aggression to people and animals
- Destruction of property (fire setting)
- Deceitfulness or theft (stolen nonvaluable items)
- Serious violations of rules
* 3 or more in past 12 months w/ 1 in past 6 months
What are some gender differences in CD?
Greater in boys (10%) than girls (4%)
Girls follow nonaggressive pathway–indirect aggressions are more common
Culturally what is CD associated with?
SES and ethnic minority status
What is the core feature of CD?
Little empathy and concern for the feelings of others
- lack of conscience
- failure to learn from experience
*Callous unemotional traits > higher aggression/cruelty > more difficult to treat w/ poor outcomes
What is Oppositional Defiant disorder (ODD)?
A pattern of negative, hostile and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months with 4 of the following present:
- often loses temper
- often argues w/ adult
- often actively defies or refuses to comply w/ adults requests
- deliberately annoys people
- often blames others for hi/her mistakes beahvior
How is the etiology for ODD and CD similar?
- As infants- hyperactive, irritable, difficult to soothe
- Families- highly stressed
- Inconsistent limit setting- repetitive cycles of coercive punishment
How are ODD, CD and ASP related?
Normal youth acting out behavior >
ASPD (antisocial personality disorder)
What percentage of children with ODD go on to exhibit CD?
What percentage of children with CD progress to ASPD?
What are examples of externalizing childhood disorders?
Conductive Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
What is both an external and internal childhood disorder?
MDepressive Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
What are examples of internalizing childhood disorders?
Social anxiety disorder
How does tx/intervention relate to ODD, CD and ASP?
ODD- manageable
CD- difficult to treat but manageable
ASP- costly to society, difficult to treat
How do you treat ODD?
- Replace coercive discipline w/ consistent parenting
- Positive parenting program
- Problem solving communication training
How do you effectively parent ODD children?
- positive attention and praise
- ignore inappropriate behavior
- clear, brief commands, and eliminate competing influences
- token economy at home
- time our for noncompliance in public places
How do you treat CD?
Multisystemic Family Therapy Home base therapy program -strengths based -promotes responsible behavior -identify and target sequences of behaviour
How do you diagnose substance related disorders in adolescents?
Pattern of substance use w/ 2-3 of the following sx in a 12 month period:
- recurrent substance use resulting in failure to fulfill obligations at work/school
- use in situations in which it’s hazardous
- substance related legal problems
- substance use affecting social/interpersonal prbolems
What are the consequences of alcohol and other drug use?
- associated w/ the 3 leading caused of mortality among adolescents (MVA, homicide, suicide)
- associated w/ violent behavior, rape and unprotected sex
By 18 years of age…
80% of youth have drunk alcohol
2/3 have smoked cigarettes
50% have tried an illicit drug
What are predictors of SED in adolescence?
Behavior: impulsivity, aggression, sensation seeking, low levels of harm
Environment: stressful life events, lack of parental support, peer effects
What is diathesis?
Predisposing biology, including genetic factors
What is stress?
Environmental factors
What is the diathesis-stress model?
If the combination of the predisposition and the stress exceeds a threshold the person will develop a disorder.
What is comorbidity?
The norm–syndromes are often interrelated
CD is often seen in conjunction with substance abuse
What is developmental psychopathology?
Nature of disorder changes d/t development of the individual