Two basic
problems being faced by the
government in realizing a successful
housing program are:
- Money
- Availability of land
- High transaction costs due to the confusing
and unclear land use policies - Non-cooperation of landowners to engage
in the Community Mortgage Program (CMP) - Misinterpretation and/ or nonimplementation
of local government units
(LGUs) - Other problems pertaining to housing is the
provision of land and housing to internally
displaced persons (IDPs) due to natural
hazard and armed conflicts.
street homeless have been regarded as a part of
squatter homeless
- lack of affordability
- provides employment and income
to households - lowering the cost of land and
housing production
- it is due to:
- proximity to CBD (Central Business District)
- it is not ideal to design a subdivision in CBD as this is not income generating
- building a subdivision away from CBD, will help its surrounding lots depreciate
Factors affecting housing
- Financing
- Government entities/agencies
- Imbalance of income VS tax
- International Standards and cost
What is the minimum area required for designing a city?
500 ha
The National Shelter Program (NSP)
five major schemes categorized
under two main groups:
- Direct Housing
- Indirect Housing
It is one of the 2 main groups of 5 major schemes of NSP where it focuses more on production
Direct Housing
- Housing Production
- Community Programs
- Development Loans
It is one of the 2 main groups of 5 major schemes of NSP where it focuses more on financing
Indirect Housing
- Home mortgages
- Guarantees
What is HUDCC stands for?
Housing and
Urban Development and Coordinating
Socialized housing price range
< Php 300,000
Socialized housing lot area
30 sqm to 50 sqm
Socialized housing floor area
18 sqm to 30 sqm
Low-cost level 1 price range
Php 300,000 to Php 1,250,000
Low-cost level 1 lot area
50 sqm to 100 sqm
Low-cost level 1 floor area
35 sqm to 55 sqm
Low-cost level 2 price range
Php 1,250,000 to Php 3,000,000
Low-cost level 2 lot area
100 sqm to 150 sqm
Low-cost level 2 floor area
80 sqm to 120 sqm
Medium cost housing price range
Php 3,000,000 to Php 4,000,000
Medium cost housing lot area
minimum of 50-100sqm
Medium cost housing floor area
minimum of 30sqm
Single detached medium cost (area)
Duplex medium cost (area)
Rowhouse medium cost (area)
Single detached open market (area)
Duplex open market (area)
Rowhouse open market (area)
Open Market Housing price range
< Php 4,000,000
Open Market Housing lot area
minimum of 60-120sqm
Open Market Housing floor area
minimum of 42sqm
National Housing Authority(NHA) core functions
- Development and implementation of a
comprehensive and integrated program - Enabling LGUs, civil society organizations
(CSOs), private sectors and participating
stakeholders to improve capabilities for
housing development and delivery.
What are the housing categories under HUDCC?
- Socialized Housing
- Low-cost level 1
- Low-cost level 2
- Medium cost housing
- Open Market housing
National Housing Authority(NHA) regular programs
- Regional Resettlement Program
- Housing Assistance for Calamity Victims
- Settlements Upgrading
- Multi-level Housing
- Housing for Low-Income Formal Sector
- Community-Based Housing Programs
- Housing for Indigenous Peoples
- Technical Assistance
A 5-year program intended to provide
permanent housing facilities for lowincome
military and police personnel.
AFP/PNP Housing Program
AUTHORITY (NHA) types of service delivery
- Direct Delivery
- Community-Initiative
Approach (CIA) - Joint Venture
- Technical Assistance
What is HSDC stands for?
Human Settlements Development Corporation
What is HSRC stands for?
Human Settlements Regulatory Commission
What is HSRC stands for?
Human Settlements Regulatory Commission
What is NPCC stands for?
National Pollution Control Commission
What is NEPC stands for?
National Environmental Planning Council
What is HFC stands for?
Housing Finance Corporation
What is NHMFC stands for?
National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
What is HDMF stands for?
Home Development Mutual Fund