Hospitalisation and Nursing of Reptiles, Birds, Fish and Invertebrates Flashcards
what is the name of the organisation which is involved with the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife?
British wildlife rehabilitation council
what are the 3 S’s of wildlife rescue?
what is the Sure part of the 3 S’s of wildlife rescue?
be sure that you are able to safely catch and provide some sort of care for the animal before you catch it
what is the Safety part of the 3 S’s of wildlife rescue?
personal safety comes before the rescue of any wild animal
what is the Stress part of the 3 S’s of wildlife rescue?
minimising stress to the animal to maximise chance of survival
how can stress levels of an injured wild animal be reduced?
keep warm
dark area
quiet conditions
minimum human contact
what are the main objectives with wildlife rehabilitation?
alleviate pain and suffering
restore animal to a state where it is able to return to the wild and survive wherever possible
reduce the impact of man made hazards which cause wildlife casualties
species conservation
what does the abandonment of animals act state about release of wild animals?
it is an offense to release an animal into the wild if it doesn’t have a reasonable chance of survival
what is involved in the decision to treat or euthanase wildlife?
balance stress of treatment against chance of successful return to the wild
unethical to release animals with the potential for future complications (e.g. orthopedic implants)
who may be able to help with release of wild animals?
experienced rehabilitator used if kept over 24hrs
some species need release by a licensed person (e.g. barn owls)
are survival rates of released wildlife good?
no - use experienced rehabilitator
what are the benefits of permanent captivity for injured wildlife?
imprinted or disabled but otherwise healthy animal is not killed
opportunities for captive breeding in a registered programme may be useful with rare species
what are the disadvantages of permanent captivity for injured wildlife?
quality of life is debatable - humans anthropomorphize but it is hard to tell if animals are truly happy
public display of animals to fund-raise can cause stress
what are the benefits of euthanasia of a wild animal that is not well enough to be re-released?
wild animal not subject to further stress of captivity
what are the disadvantages of euthanasia of a wild animal that is not well enough to be re-released?
can be viewed negatively by the public - particularly those who bring animals in to the practice
what is the balance between in wildlife nursing?
appropriate treatment and reduction of suffering
what are the common species of wildlife seen in practice?
birds hedgehogs bats foxes badgers deer
what is involved in most treatment of wild birds that are brought into practice?
fracture or injury repair
most practices offer first aid and then move on to specialist centre
what injuries are most commonly seen in hedgehogs that are brought into practice?
dental disease fractures mites ringworm lungworm
why must you be cautious when handling bats?
possible zoonotic diseases (rabies)
what issues are often seen with bats in practice?
wing membrane damage
what must you be cautious of if dealing with foxes or badgers in practice?
predators and have strong bite
what is the usual prognosis for deer who have been in an RTA?
poor - even if they survive collision they are likely to suffer from myopathy due to muscle compression
what is crucial for healthy fish?
water quality
why is water quality so important for healthy fish?
fish are open systems and there is constant exchange between the fish and it’s surrounding environment - poor water quality or toxins in water will affect fish health
what can cause poor water quality?
ammonia not broken down
poor filtration of water
how may fish be viewed by the veterinary surgeon?
in the home pond / tank to see full environment into practice (double bagged) where there is more equipment and management is easier
how can fish be anaesthetised?
inhalational (within the water)
what drugs are often given to anaesthetise fish?
local anaesthetics which will have systemic affects due to route of absorption
Phenoxethanol (Vet-ark/Aqua-sed)
MS222 Tricaine Methane
how long can fish be out of water once anaesthetised?
5 minutes
where should fish be recovered from anaesthesia?
in fresh water from home tank / pond
what will indicate that fish is sedated enough for exam?
unable to hold themselves upright in water - laid on side
what diagnostic tests may be performed on fish?
mucus scraping gill and fin preparations bacteriology (culture and sensitivity) blood sampling radiography ultrasonography
what can be seen externally on a fish that indicates ulcers or septicemia?
pinking on fins
what is mucus scraping on fish used for?
detection of parasites
what is involved in fish gill or fin preparations?
small snip of fin or gill for testing and microscopy
checking for necrosis or blotches appearence
what is the problem with blood sampling fishes?
there are very few/no reference ranges
how may fishes be treated for any diagnosed conditions?
in food medication
in water
what are the issues with giving fish medication in/on food?
relies on fish eating
where are the injection sites on fishes?
epaxial muscles - 45 degrees between scales
how long may injectable drugs remain in a fishes system?
up to 3 days due to slow metabolism
what is the issue with giving fish medication in their water?
non-specific and will kill bacteria in the filters that remove ammonia
what is the first aid advice that can be given to fish owners over the phone?
test water quality quarantine affected fish if numbers are low change 30% of tank water add salt to reduce physiological stress stop feeding temporarily to reduce waste improve aeration do not add medication indiscriminately
what should be done if tank water has high ammonia (NH4)?
add zeolite - absorbs ammonia
what rate should salt be added to tank/pond water to reduce fish stress?
what is the purpose of changing 30% of tank/pond water?
dilution of ammonia or toxins
when must care be taken with addition of saline to tank water?
if owner has used formalin
what may indicate water is not well aerated enough?
fish gathering around filters
what is ulcer disease in fish secondary to?
septicaemia or trauma
what needs to be identified if a fish has ulcers?
underlying cause
what is involved in treatment of ulcer disease in fish?
GA samples taken debride clean with iodine and pack inject antibiotics correct underlying problem
how may the underlying problem causing ulcer disease in fishes be treated?
anti parasitic
improve water quality
what can cause swim bladder issues in goldfish?
GI obstruction
air solubility
what may cause gill issues in fish?
what are the commonly kept / seen amphibious species?
frogs - tree frog, mantellas, poison arrow
toads - fire bellied toads
salamanders - tiger salamander, Axoloti
why must care be taken with some frog species?
produce toxins on their skin (e.g. poison arrow frog)
how should all amphibians be handled?
with gloves on to prevent toxin ingestion and protect their skin
how do amphibians regulate temperature?
poikilothermic - appropriate temperature must be provided
what are the light requirements of most amphibians?
nocturnal so avoid bright lights
do amphibians require UV light?
yes - needed for calcium metabolism
do all amphibians require water?
yes - some are totally aquatic, others need land and water
what is important about amphibians water?
quality is key
what is crucial about humidity for amphibians?
high humidity is key but risk of bacterial infections increased
what are the common problems found with amphibians?
water quality poor skin infections (bacterial or fungal) Chytridiomycosis foreign bodies metabolic bone disease
how can skin infections be prevented in amphibians?
clean environment and good ventilation
what is Chytridiomycosis?
fungal disease which eats into the skin of amphibians and is hard to treat
what are the most common foreign bodies found in amphibians?
pebbles / stones
what is the cause of metabolic bone disease in amphibians?
UV light inadequate so bones are deformed
what are commonly kept invertebrate species?
giant african land snails spiders millipedes stick insects scorpians bees
what can be dangerous to humans on tarantulas?
barbed hairs on back which can be fired off if threatened (may get in eyes and are very hard to remove)
what are common problems seen in invertebrates?
shedding difficulties
traumatic injuries
what can aid shedding in spiders?
humidity / misting
how can mites on spiders be treated?
insecticide can kill spiders so Vaseline can be used to prevent / manage
what are nematodes?
liquid around mouth which contains worms - stops the animal from eating
what are the treatment options for nematodes on invertebrates?
may be zoonotic so euthanasia necessary
how are nematodes transported between animals?
how do reptiles regulate body temperature?
environmentally - are pokilothermic and ectothermic
describe reptilian skin
inflexible, covered in scales and sheds as animals grow
describe the skin of chelonia
bony shell which is innervated and has a blood supply
how do reptiles breathe?
have no diaphragm so air is drawn into spongy lungs via muscular body movements
will reptile lungs collapse if the chest is damaged?
no - lungs do not work through negative pressure so will continue to function if chest is open
what is abdominal surgery referred to as in reptiles?
why is abdominal surgery referred to as a coeliotomy in reptiles rather than laparotomy?
they have a single body cavity (coelom) due to the lack of diaphragm
why is reptile health difficult to assess?
they hide illness well -adaptive
what are the main parameters to monitor in reptiles?
weight RR defecation and urination activity shedding POTZ
what does reptile weight indicate?
hydration and general health so should be recorded regularly
describe the respiration rate of exotics
slow and shallow
what is key when hospitalising reptiles?
control of environmental temperature is vital (POTZ)
heated tank, vivarium or tortoise table used
must be secured
where can lizards have blood samples taken from?
ventral tail vein
how can you tell where the ventral tail vein is on lizards?
look for landmarks, advance needle to bone and then pull back
why must care be taken when sampling blood from the ventral tail vein of lizards?
where can blood samples be taken from in snakes?
ventral tail vein (difficult as small and hard to access)
cardio-centesis (use doppler)
where can blood samples be taken from in chelonia?
right jugular vein is best
can use subvertebral sinus (under carapace)
what is the best method for IV anaesthetic induction in chelonia?
subvertebral sinus - works even if limbs and head are retracted
how can reptiles be medicated?
topical oral SC IM IV IO
what is the main method of reptile medication?
oral - mouth is often easy to open in small species
what are the challenges with SC injection in reptiles?
difficult to do due to in elastic skin
needle needs to be all the way in
when is IM injection used in reptiles?
not often - epaxial may be used in snakes
Is IO useful in reptiles?
as effective as IV
what can be used for IO administration in chelonia?
what are the routes of fluid therapy used in reptiles?
soaking oral intracoelomic SC IV IO
why is soaking of reptiles for fluid therapy effective in chelonia?
can be absorbed through cloaca
what is the issue with IV access for fluids in reptiles?
difficult to maintain access
what fluid can be given to reptiles?
normal saline
what is the usual maintenance fluid requirement of reptiles?
10-30 ml/kg/day
in what reptiles is a stomach tube best used?
how should a stomach tube be measured for in chelonia?
measure from front of plastron to hinge
what methods of assisted feeding can be used in reptiles?
stomach tube
oesophagostomy tube
what food can be given to critically ill reptilian patients?
electrolytes and amino acids (Vetark critical care)
what must you be careful of when feeding chronically ill reptilian patients?
re-feeding syndrome due to rapid increase in glucose and K+ spike
what should reptilian herbivores be fed?
grass based (Oxbow critical care)
what should reptilian carnivores be fed?
Hils a/d or carnivore care
what should you feed reptiles if uncertain?
home diet is safest
how long can oesophagostomy tubes be in place for in reptiles?
up to 2 months