HOSA rules And Bylaws Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of HOSA?
To recognize individual achievement in scholarship, occupational skills, or services rendered.
What does HOSA promote involvement in?
Current healthcare issues, environmental concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation, and the world.
Who establishes and maintains chartered associations in HOSA?
The Board of Directors of HOSA, Inc.
What is the membership composition of HOSA?
An international organization of students enrolled in or interested in health science classes and careers.
Who can be members of HOSA?
Students enrolled in Health Science classes or those interested in pursuing a career in health professions.
What are the divisions that HOSA Chartered Associations may be composed of?
- Secondary
- Postsecondary/Collegiate
- Middle School
- Alumni
- Professional
Fill in the blank: HOSA is an international organization of, by and for students who are or were enrolled in _______.
[health science classes]
True or False: HOSA membership includes individuals supporting health science in a professional capacity.
What year was the HOSA Bylaws adopted?
In which years were the HOSA Bylaws revised?
- 1994
- 1997
- 1998
- 2000
- 2004
- 2010
- June 2015
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Section 3.
The Secondary Division shall be composed of secondary students who
are or have been enrolled in a Health Science or an organized health
career awareness program or are interested
planning to pursue
pursuing a career in the health professions.
Section 4.
The Postsecondary/Collegiate Division shall be composed of students who
are not enrolled in high school
have received a high school diploma
and/or are pursuing GED and are enrolled in a healthcare related field at
the undergraduate level or are interested or planning to pursue a career in
the health professions.
Section 5. The Middle School Division shall be composed of middle school students
who are in grades 6-8 and are interested in or planning to pursue a career
in the health professions. The official definition for middle school members
of HOSA for the purposes of Competitive Events is: A middle school
student is one who: a) is enrolled in a state-approved health science
program or is planning to pursue a career in the health professions; and b)
has not been promoted to a secondary institution (grades 9-12) prior to the
state’s annual conference.
Section 6.
Members-at-large shall be those persons otherwise qualified for
membership where active HOSA chapters are not yet established.
Members-at-large shall affiliate directly with chartered associations
or by
geographic region as determined by the Chartered Association
or where
no active chartered association is established
directly with International
(Revised 1994
(Adopted at the 1987 National Conference)
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HOSA. Members-at-large are not eligible to serve as voting delegates to
the HOSA International Leadership Conference or seek elected office.
Section 7.
The Alumni Division shall be composed of persons who have been a
member of HOSA. Alumni Division members shall pay affiliation fees
may not vote
make motions
Section 8. The Professional Division shall be composed of persons who are
associated with or participating in Health Science Education in
professional capacities. These may include health professionals
alumni or
other adult members of the community who wish to assist and support the
HOSA program and its growth and development. Professional Division
members shall pay affiliation fees
but may not vote
or compete in events.
Section 9. Honorary members shall be persons who have made significant
contributions to the development of HOSA and/or have rendered
outstanding service to the organization. Honorary membership may be
conferred for life by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Directors of
Inc. Honorary members shall have none of the obligations and all
of the privileges of membership except voting
making motions
office and competing in events.
(Adopted at the 1987 National Conference)
(Revised 1994
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Section 10. Annual affiliation fees from chartered associations shall be specified in
policies and procedures and must be approved by HOSA
delegate assembly for each division. Additional affiliation fees may be
assessed by chartered and local associations. Affiliation fees for Fall
semester students must be received by International HOSA on or before
January 1 of the membership year. Affiliation fees for students who enroll
after January 1 must be received by International HOSA or before March 1
of that same year. Affiliation fees for postsecondary/collegiate students
who enroll after January 1 must be received by International HOSA on or
before March 1 of that same year. These students will be members for
twelve (12) months. The membership year concludes on December 31 for
these students. Students who do not affiliate by the appropriate date shall
be ineligible to participate in the International Competitive Events Program
or seek international office.
Section 11. Lifetime membership shall be available for persons who are or have been
active members and who are or have participated in HOSA in a
professional capacity. Lifetime membership affiliation fees shall be $150.
Lifetime members may not vote
make motions
this membership alone. Lifetime members will have all privileges accorded
if serving in other roles in HOSA: e.g. Delegate Assembly
Board of Directors.
(Adopted at the 1987 National Conference)
(Revised 1994
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Section 1.
Section 2.
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Elected Officers:
A President-Elect shall be elected by the voting delegates of the
combined Secondary and Postsecondary/Collegiate Divisions at
the HOSA International Leadership Conference.
One secondary vice-president from each region
postsecondary/collegiate vice president
one secondary and one
postsecondary/collegiate board representative
and president for a total of 8.
The duties of the various officers shall be such as are specified
these Bylaws and in the parliamentary authority adopted by the
An International Officer Advisor shall be appointed by the HOSA
Inc. Board of Directors.
Duties of Officers:
HOSA Officers shall make themselves available
as necessary
promoting the general welfare of HOSA.
The President shall preside at the International HOSA Leadership
Conference and all HOSA officer meetings
make committee
appointments (unless otherwise provided)
and develop
assistance of the Executive Council and the HOSA
Inc. Board of
(Adopted at the 1987 National Conference)
(Revised 1994
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an Annual Program of Work. The President shall serve
on the HOSA
Inc. Board of Directors
The President-Elect shall serve HOSA in any capacity as directed
by the President and shall assume the duties of the President in