horsey Flashcards
what is the tarsus of the horse?
hock (hind limb)
what is the carpus of the horse and what limb?
medial splint bone
second metacarpus
medial metacarpal bone
lateral splint bone
fourth metacarpus
lateral metacarpal bone
cannon bone
third metacarpus
fetlock or ankle
metacarpo tarsophalangeal joint
long pastern bone
first phalanx
proximal phalanx
short pastern bone
second phalanx
middle phalanx
coffin bone
trd phalanx
distal phalanx
what is a diagnostic perineural anesthesia?
nerve blocks
what are the four nerve block?
planar digital
abaxial sesamoid
low 4 point/ low palmar
high 4 point/ high palmar
what is arthrocentesis?
joint injection
what are the four joint injections?
-distal interphalangeal joint/coffin joint
-metacarpophalangeal joint/ fetlock
-middle carpal joint (carpus)
-radiocarpal joint (carpus)
what is the technique for doing nerve blocks?
needle bevel up
needle inserted SQ directly over nerve
what are the landmarks for palmar/plantar digital nerve block?
-medial and lateral palmar/plantar nerves
-collateral cartilages of foot
what is the technique for doing the palmar/plantar digital nerve block?
-palpate digital neruovascular bundle
-vein, artery, nerve from dorsal to palmar/plantar
what is desensitized in the palmar/plantar digital nerve block?
-palmar/plantar 2/3 of foot
entire sole
navicular structure
distal interphalangeal joint distal deep digital flexor tendon
distal sesamoidean lig
what are the landmarks for abaxial sesamoid nerve block?
-medial and lateral palmar/plantar nerves
-medial and lateral proximal sesamoid bones
technique for blocking abaxial sesamoid nerve
-palpate neurovascular bundle
-vein, artery, nerve from dorsal to palmar/plantar
what is desensitized in the abaxial sesamoid nerve block?
-second phalanx
-proximal interphalangeal joint
-distalpalmar/plantar aspect of proximal phalanx
-distal portions od SDFT & DDFT
-distal sesamoidean lig
-digital annular lig
landmarks for the low 4 point/ low palmar nerve block
-medial and lateral palmar nerves
–>between suspensory lig and DDFT
-medial and lateral palmar/plantar metacarpal nerves
–> between MC3 and MC2 (medial) & MC3 and MC4 (lateral)
-distal ends of MC2 (medial) and MC4 (lateral)
what is desensitized in low 4 point block
-metacarpo/tarsophalangeal joint and structures distal
-distal aspects of suspensory branches
ladmarks for high 4 point/ high palmar nerve block
-just distal carpometacarpal joint
-medial and lateral palmar nerves
–> dorsal surface DDFT
-medial and lateral palmar metacarpal nerves
–>between palmar surface of MC3 and axial surface MC2 (medial) or MC4 (lateral)
what is desensitized in high 4 point block?
-medial and lateral palmar nerves
-medial and lateral palmar metacarpal nerves
–>MC2, MC4, proximal suspensory lig/origin
-all 4
–>inferior check ligament
landmark for metacarpo-/-tarsophalangeal joint arthocenesis
-palmaro-/plantarodistal aspect oof MC/MT3
-dorsal edge of lateral branch of suspensory ligament
-distal end of MC/MT4
-lateral proximal sesamoid bone
what is desensitized in metacarpo-/-tarsophalangeal joint?
joint of carpus
radiocarpal joint
middle/inter carpal joint
carpometacarpal joint
what lower 2 joints in the carpus interact in forelimb carpus “down in front”
middle/inter carpal joint
carpometacarpal joint
landmark for radiocarpal arthrocentesis
-flex carpus
-medial aspect of distal edge of radius
-proximal edge of radial carpal bone
-medial to extensor carpi radialis
-insert needle midway between radius and radial carpal bone
what is desensitized in radiocarpal joint arthocentesis
radiocarpal joint only
*no communication with other joints
landmarks for middle/intercarpal joint arthocentesis
-flex carpus
-distal edge of radial carpal bone
-medial aspect of proximal edge of third carpal bone
-meidal aspect of extensor carpi radialis tendon
what is desensitized when blocking the middle/intercarpal joint
-middle /intercarpal joint communicates with carpometacarpal joint
-DOWN IN FRONT (doesn’t require separate inj)
what is laminitis “founder”
inflammation of the laminae
(there is an epi dermal and dermal laminae)
what does degeneration of the laminae cause?
-rotation of P3
-sinking of P3 within hoof capsule
what is the most common cause of chronic forelimb lameness
navicular disease
what chronic degenerative conditions follow navicular disease?
-bone sclerosis (hardening) combine with damage to fibrocartilage on flexor surface
-traumatic fibrillation of DDFT
-enthesiophyte formation on proximal and distal borders of bone
-loss of medullary architecture
what structures can be affected when there are penetrating wounds of the foot?
-digital flexor tendon sheath
-navicular bursa
-distal interphalangeal joint
*synovial structures are the worst to hit
inflammation of tendon
inflammation of ligament
how long does it take a tendon to heal
6 months
how long does it take ligament to heal
8 months
what is wrong
DDF tendonitis