Horses Flashcards
Fasciola hepatica
L, O - s, 2 thin shells with operculum, UE, yellow
trematode - sedimentation
Dicrocoelium dendriticum
S, O, 2 thin shells with operculum, E - miracidium, dark brown
trematode - sedimentation
Eimeria leuckarti
Oocyst, 70-85 um, O, 2 thin shells, micropyle, unspor., DB
protozoa - flotation - breza
M, D – shape (polyedric), 3ts, E - oncosphere, pyriform apparatus, LB
Anoplocephala perfoliate - 20-25 cm
Anoplocephala magna - 80 cm
Paranoplocephala mamillana - 5 cm
Loc: Small intestine, P. perfoliate – ileocecal junction
cestode - flotation - breza
Strongyloides westeri
S, O - s, 2 thin shells, embryonated - L1 , transparent
nematode - rhabditida - flotation - breza
Strongylus spp.:
S. vulgaris, S. equinus, S. edentates
large strongyles
L, O - s, 2 thin shells, UE - few blastomers, grey
nematode - strongylida - flotation - breza
Trichostrongylus axei
M, ovoid - s, 2 thin shells, UE - many blastomers, grey
nematode - strongylida - flotation - breza
Cyathostomum spp, Cycliocyclus
small strongyles
M, ovoid, 2 shells, UE, grey
nematode - strongylida - flotation - breza
Parascaris equorum
M, spherical, 3 thick shells, rough surface, UE, dark brown
nematode - ascaridia - flotation - breza
oxyuris equi
M, ovoid - as, 2 thin shells, mucoid cap, UE, yellow-brown
nematode - oxyurida - flotation - breza
Habronema muscae,
Habronema microstoma
S, elongated - s, 2 thin shells, E (L1), transparent
nematode - spirurida - flotation - breza
Dictyocaulus arnfieldi
M, oval, 80-100 μm, 2 thin shells, E - L1 , light grey
nematode - strongylida - flotation or larvoscopy
Not found in cooprological exam:
- Thelazia lacrimalis
- Setaria equine
- Onchocera reticularis, O. cervicalis
nematodes - spirurida
- Eimeria leuckarti
- Fasciola hepatica
- Dicrocoelium dentriticum