Horse lab practical Flashcards
what are the 3 borders of the area where horse vaccines are given?
1 hand above the cervical vertebrae, 1 hand below the nubial ligament, and 1 hand from the shoulder
pulley bone
another name for the navicular bone
bay horse color
brown body with a black mane, stockings, and tail
dun horse color
tan with a black line down their back
like a whurl of fur or hair
usually used for drug reactions
always administered IV
if administered IM it causes clostridium myonecrosis
Clostridium myonecrosis
aka gas gangrene
releases bacterial toxins into the bloodstream, lives on low O2, often fatal
causes abscesses that leads to the skin weeping
since it’s anaerobic we have to cut the skin to let air in to kill it
humane twitch
like the type of twitch we used in class
another name for it is the Kendall twitch
what areas of the horse’s body can a twitch be used on?
nose, ear, neck skin
what are the 3 types of twitches?
humane twitch, chain twitch, and rope twitch
horse gestation
11 months
genus and species of horse
equus caballus
immature male horse
if a horse is standing stretched out what could that be a sign of?
pain, often colic
castrated male horse
to get a dorsoplamar view of the equine carpus where should the cassette be held?
against the palmar aspect of the carpus
where is the fetlock joint located?
at the carpus
what disease presents with an obstruction in the colon/cecum and is the most deadly horse disease?
what is the top of a horse’s head called?
equine viral arteritis
sexual transmitted disease through stallions most commonly
EVA’s a slut
order of slowest to fastest locomotion
trot, canter, gallop
what signs would be common to see in a horse with Cushing’s?
patchy sweating, long/wavy hair, depressed attitude
which part of a horse’s digestive system is the main area of nutrient absorption?
small intestine
dappled grey horse color
grey with white circles
what are indicative characteristics of an Arabian horse?
dished nose and high neck
appaloosa horse color
two toned with flecks
how do you measure a horse?
a hand is 4 inches
intact male horse
palomino horse color
gold coat with white mane and tail
young female horse
mature female horse
buckskin horse color
tan coat with black mane, stockings, and tail
horse leg marking that extends to the knee
horse leg marking that extends halfway up towards the knee
coronet horse marking
a leg marking that is a little line of color just above the coronary band
what should a horse always have access to?
hay and water
how should you lead a horse?
on the left, halfway between head and shoulder
how should you approach a horse?
at the shoulder
horse lifespan
25-30 years
what test diagnoses equine infectious anemia?
Coggins test
which tool is used to smooth the hoof after trimming?
horse estrus cycle
seasonally polyestrus
what is the frequency of estrus in a horse?
21 days
what are horse supplies called?
which color is not a horse color?
no such thing as a true white horse
when measuring a horse’s height you would measure from the ground to the _____?
what is the order of brushes used on a horse during grooming?
curry comb, hard brush, soft brush
what is an individual who trims horse hooves called?
how many pairs of ribs do horses usually have and which breed has less?
usually have 18 pairs
arabians have less since they are used for endurance
which parasite can damage the lining of the horse’s stomach?
what internal parasite would cause a horse to rub its tail?
what does a horse do when it feels threatened?
fight or flight
what are horny irregular growths on the medial surface of the horse leg called?
how many gallons of water does a 1000lb horse typically drink per day?
10-12 gallons
about 1 gallon for every 100lbs
what is it called when a horse gives birth?
what gait do you test horses at for lameness?
what is the rump of a horse called?
where is the gaskin located on the horse?
between stifle and hock on the hindlimb
it is the large muscle that is there
horse crop
short type of whip without a lash used in horse riding
flehman response
when a horse curls its upper lip to keep in a scent
usually used in mating for the horse to smell out the hormones
what are 3 early signs of strangles in a horse?
lymph node swelling, runny nose, elevated temperature
which part of the ruminant digestive system are camelids missing?
what is a clostridial disease that can affect camelids as well as sheep and goats?
Clostridium chauvoei
what age should castration be performed in camelids?
2 years
camelid gestation
11 months
same as horses
what type of ovulators are camelids?
induced ovulators
what is a group of alpacas called?
baby llama
castrated male camel
what is the biggest threat to guanacos?
camel, alpaca, llama, vicuna, and guanaco are what classification?
suborder: tylopoda
which camelids are considered New World?
guanacos and vicunas
guanaco neonate
Old World camels originate from where?
Africa and Asia
intact male alpaca
which type of camelid has one hump?
dromedary camel
which animal is Peru’s national animal?
llama scientific name
llama glama
how much bigger are llamas than alpacas?
2x the size
what are llamas used for?
as guard animals
offspring of a llama and an alpaca
what can bacterian camels drink that other animals can’t?
salt water
wild bacterian camel scientific name
camelus ferus
what happens when most of the fat in a camel’s hump is used?
the hump appears droopy
camel’s dude
what is a group of camels called?
what do camels and llamas do when they feel threatened?
they spit
what camel usually leads a group of camels?
dominant male
how do camels greet each other?
by blowing in each other’s face
does deworming in camels cause resistance?
what is the intermediate host of the meningeal worm in camelids?
female camels
are alpacas susceptible to heat stress?
pig scientific name
sus scrofa
young castrated male pig
pig gestation
3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days
young female pig that has not farrowed
are pigs prone to malignant hyperthermia?
mature male pig
what is pig birth called?
what type of estrus cycle do pigs have?
not seasonal
Duroc pig characteristics
drooping ears, red hair color
what color are Hampshire pigs?
black with a white belt
what is a pig birthing enclosure called?
farrowing crate
what is the technique called that can help make sure each piglet receives the proper amount of colostrum?
split suckling
what can piglets develop where they establish preference for a specific teat?
teat fidelity
what can pigs not do?
what causes greasy pig disease?
Staphylococcus hyicus
which pig is colored pink?
Chester White
Hereford pig
light red colored coat
looks similar to a Hereford cow
what is the offensive odor that can be evident during cooking of pork from non-castrated pigs?
boar taint
can pigs be used as organ donors?
sorrel horse color
chestnut coat with a light coppery colored mane and tail
roan horse colors
looks dusted with baby powder
EVA in horses
equine viral arteritis
what causes strangles in horses?
Streptococcus equi
what is EPM in horses?
a neurologic protozoan disease
what causes Potomac horse fever?
Neorickettsia risticii
what is a concern with choke in horses?
aspiration pneumonia
what is the common name for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus?
what does PRRS stand for?
porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
how is PRRS spread?
pig to pig contact
what is the main cause of pseudo rabies (Aujeszky’s disease)?
herpes virus
is there treatment for EPM?
what does equine recurrent uveitis cause?
which vessel is most commonly used to feel a horse’s pulse?
facial artery