hormones Flashcards
the events of insulin secretion
1 glucose , respired / phosphorylated / metabolised , to produce ATP ; 2 ATP , blocks / closes , potassium ion channel(s) and potassium ions / K+ , build up (inside cell) / cannot leave ; 3 (voltage-gated) calcium ion / Ca2+ , channels open and calcium ions / Ca2+ , enter (cell by diffusion) ; 4 (more) calcium ions / Ca2+ , resulting in , movement of vesicles to membrane / exocytosis / described ;
suggest and explain why the cell continues to secrete insulin after no further glucose intake
1 (continues to be secreted) as long as blood / plasma , glucose (concentration) , remains high / is higher than normal ; 2 (sufficient) ATP is still present and so K+ channels remain closed ; 3 (exocytosis) still being triggered by , calcium ions / Ca2+;
Under what circumstances might this patient need to be given a glucagon injection?
1 if blood glucose falls ,
extremely / dangerously / too / very , low
2 if patient , cannot produce (enough) glucagon /
produces little glucagon ;
3 idea that glucose source cannot be taken by mouth ;
Suggest an explanation for the patient’s high value for the fasting blood glucose test.
patient might have had a drink containing sugar
Describe how glucagon is involved in the regulation of blood glucose concentration in a person who is able to regulate their blood glucose concentration correctly.
when blood glucose concentration decreases
1 (glucagon) released by the , alpha / , cells in ,
islets of Langerhans / pancreas ;
2 promotes / AW ,
conversion of glycogen to glucose /
glycogenolysis ,
in , liver / muscle / effector , cells ;
3 ref gluconeogenesis / described ;
4 ref conversion of triglycerides to (free) fatty acids /
lipolysis /
increased use of fatty acids in respiration ;
5 negative feedback ,
reduces / inhibits , the secretion of glucagon ;
6 glucagon , reduces / inhibits , insulin secretion
alpha, islet,
pancreas , glycogen,
glycogenolysis, effector,
gluconeogenesis, negative feedback
Urine can be tested to detect a person’s misuse of certain drugs in body-building.State the type of drug that can be misused in this way.
anabolic steroids
Name one hormone which will increase the heart rate.
adrenaline / epinephrine / noradrenaline / norepinephrine ;
Name the endocrine tissue in the pancreas that is responsible for secretion of hormones.
islet(s) of Langerhans ;
State where in a pancreatic cell insulin molecules are synthesised.
ribosome / rough endoplasmic reticulum / RER ;
Outline the events that occur after the synthesis of an insulin molecule until it is ready to be secreted from the pancreatic cell.
1 transported to Golgi ; 2 modified / processed , in Golgi ; 3 packaged into / stored in , (Golgi) vesicle(s) ; 4 vesicles transported towards , plasma / cell surface , membrane ;
Describe how negative feedback is used to control blood glucose concentration.
1 cells /
cells / receptors , detect ,
change / increased / decreased ,
in blood glucose (concentration) ;
2 if high(er) glucose (concentration) ,
beta / , cells (in pancreas) release insulin ;
3 (increased) uptake / absorption , of glucose by ,
liver / muscle / effector , cells ;
4 enters through glucose transport proteins
(in cell surface membrane) ;
5 glucose converted to glycogen / glycogenesis ;
6 increased (use of glucose in) , respiration / ATP production ;
7 if low(er) glucose (concentration) ,
alpha / , (in pancreas) cells release glucagon ;
8 (increased) conversion of glycogen to glucose / glycogenolysis ;
9 (increased) conversion of other compounds
(amino acids / lipids) to glucose / gluconeogenesis ;
10 glucose leaves cells ,
by facilitated diffusion / through glucose channels ;
receptor, beta, insulin,
effector, glycogen, glycogenesis,
alpha, glucagon, glycogenolysis,
gluconeogenesis, facilitated diffusion
Suggest why fatigue may occur in a person with Type 2 diabetes who is not taking medication.
1 not enough / less , glucose uptake into cells ;
2 not enough / less , glucose / substrate , for ,
respiration / ATP production ;
3 glucose not , stored as / converted to , glycogen ;
Describe the different ways in which the pancreas acts as both an endocrine and an exocrine gland.
H1 hormone(s) released directly into blood ;
H2 beta / β , cells , secrete / produce / release , insulin ;
H3 alpha / α , cells , secrete / produce / release , glucagon ;
H4 islet / and , cells , detect / monitor ,
blood glucose concentration ;
3 max
E1 fluid / juice / secretion / enzymes , released into duct ;
E2 (release triggered by) nervous / hormonal , stimulation ;
E3 pancreatic secretions into ,
gut / small intestine / duodenum ;
E4 alkaline / pH 8 / (sodium) hydrogen carbonate ;
E5 containing 2 named enzyme(s) ;
hormone(s), beta, alpha,
glucagon, islet(s), pancreatic,
duodenum, enzyme(s), amylase,
trypsin(ogen) / chymotrypsin(ogen)
State two advantages of treating Type 1 diabetes by using insulin that has been produced by genetically modified bacteria rather than insulin that has been extracted from pigs.
1 idea of plentiful / dependable , supply ;
2 cheap ;
3 not cruel to pigs / more ethical ;
4 no religious objections / can be used by vegetarians ;
5 reliable , quality / standard ;
6 (exact match to) human insulin / no allergic reaction ;
State an advantage of this form of treatment compared to treatment using insulin.
1 (has the potential to) cure / do more than manage ,
the condition ;
2 long term effect / permanent /
no need for repeated treatments ;
Suggest what happens to polysaccharides in the liver cell
glycogen glucose / glycogenolysis ; by hydrolysis ; correct ref to protein kinase / glycogen phosphorylase kinase (activates glycogen phosphorylase) or glycogen phosphorylase (stimulates conversion of glycogen) or inhibition of glycogen synthase (preventing glucose conversion to glycogen) ;
Suggest how the adrenaline molecule can cause different effects in different target tissues.
different tissues have different (types of adrenaline)
receptors ;
(causing) cAMP concentration to increase or decrease ;
second messenger (may be) different ;
cAMP / second messenger , activates ,
different / other , enzymes / enzyme reactions
(in different target cells) ;
Comment on whether the use of steroids should be permitted in sport.
fairness / giving unfair advantage /
does not give an ‘even playing field’ ;
idea of health risks / dangerous / unhealthy / fatal /
side effects ;
specified health risk ;
idea of distrust of ‘outstanding’ performances /
does not reflect athlete’s natural talent /
sport should reflect athlete’s natural talent ;
idea of pressure to keep up with rival competitors ;
idea that can train for longer (without tiring) /
can respire longer (without tiring) /
can recover from injury quicker /
can build up muscle mass ;
Explain how Type 1 diabetes is caused.
unable to produce (enough) insulin / do not secrete insulin /
produces ineffective insulin ;
insulin-producing cells / beta cells / islets of Langerhans,
not functioning (correctly) / damaged / destroyed / attacked ;
by (body’s own) immune system / by (body’s own) antibodies /
auto-immune disease ;
(idea of) family history / genetic / hereditary ;
(condition can be) triggered by , virus / environmental factor ;
Describe three factors that increase a person’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
ncreasing age / older / ageing / more prevalent over 40 ;
(idea of) family history / genetic / hereditary ;
(more common in) males ;
(more common in)
some ethnic groups / African / Afro-Caribbean / Asian /
Hispanic / Oceanic ;
obese / overweight / fat around abdomen ;
high / frequent, intake of ,
sugar / highly processed food / high GI food ;
lack of physical activity / sedentary lifestyle ;
high blood pressure ;
excessive alcohol intake ;
Suggest why it is necessary to add an anticoagulant to the blood in stage 2.
so that clots don’t form,
while in the (dialysis) machine / during dialysis ;
Suggest why no anticoagulant is added to the blood towards the end of a dialysis session.
idea of allowing blood to clot normally after treatment ;
State the process by which molecules and ions, other than water, will move from the blood into the dialysate.
simple diffusion
Suggest why the direction of flow of the blood and the dialysate
idea that it, maintains diffusion gradient / maintains concentration gradient / maximises diffusion gradient / maximises concentration gradient / allows maximum removal of waste / allows maximum rate of diffusion / AW ;
Describe two similarities in the action of plant and animal hormones in cell signalling.
1 (hormone) binds to receptor ;
2 causing , cascade of events / enzyme reactions ;
3 may involve switching , on / off, genes ;
4 only , present / needed , in small ,
concentrations / quantities (to have an effect) ;
5 may have effect on more than one ,
location / target tissue ;
6 idea that effect may involve interaction of
State three differences in the ways in which plant and mammalian hormones operate.
all points must show a clear comparison between mammals
(M) and plants (P)
1 (M) made in endocrine glands versus
(P) made in many plant tissues ;
2 (M) move in blood versus
(P) move, in xylem / in phloem / from cell to cell ;
3 (M) act on, a few / specific / target, tissues versus
(P) act on most tissues / can act in cells where produced ;
4 (M) act more rapidly ;
Describe the events that occur after adrenaline reaches the cell surface membrane that then result in changes in metabolism inside the cell cytoplasm.
1 adrenaline binds to receptor ;
2 complementary / specific, fit / shape ;
3 G protein activated ;
4 adenyl(ate) cyclase activated ;
5 ATP converted to cAMP ;
6 cAMP activates, proteins / enzymes ;
7 by, altering 3D structure / phosphorylation ;
Suggest how having a number of steps in the signalling pathway enables a small number of adrenaline molecules to rapidly cause large effects.
idea that one / named, molecule causes, production / activation of,
many others ;
idea that this multiplying effect is repeated at, next / every / later step ;
idea of recycling / temporary binding, of cAMP ;