Hoorcollege 2 Flashcards
The evolution of ICT
1890: US Census: Hollerith tabulating machine –> first technology used in government because of government.
1936: Turing Machine
1946-1950: ENIAC, EDVAC and UNIVAC –> first real computers
1960: ARPA (research department of the army) & ARPANET –> connecting computers
1971: Ray Tomlinson invents email
70’s: Microprocessors & Moore’s law –> Moore’s law predicted that the size of microprocessors would become smaller over time
1990: WWW and PC’s
1996-2007: Global commercialization of mobile phones
2003-2005: Social networks and sharing pictures
Approaches government
managerial approach:
- how they can use techniques to make government processes easier
- technology that is used for efficiency
- makes the processes of government faster
- people can find information faster
Participative approach:
- democratic
- technology that is used to help people participate
4 frameworks on how ICTs have affected government
- Technological determinsm: technology leads the way how government is going to act –> technology will lead to outcomes, that will automatically happen
- Reinforcement theory: agrees with technological determinism –> BUT technology will always be steerd by people. People get more power because of technology
- sociotechnical theory: depends on how technology is designed.
- Systems theory: no automatical determinded ending but the outcome will depend more on technology than on human factors.
(bekijk de afbeelding in de slides nog eens)
Global Village
- The medium is the message
- We are going to be extended by technology
- technology extends our personality
- we shape our tools and then our tools shape us
- become a global village where everyone is going to be connected and bring the community feeling back
Network nation (Roxanne Starr Hiltz & Murray Turoff)
- Developed conference systems
- decentralizing effects and democratizing effects
- CMC (computer mediated communication) would create network nation
- conference systems create a network nation where there is no hierachy en bureaucracy –> help the organization
- communicate easier in network
- list of 14 predictions about network nation –> but overly optimistic about time frame
Electronic cottage in the infosphere (Alvin Toffler)
first wave: hunter/gatherer to agriculture
- shift to sedentary lifestyle
- move to villages
second wave: agriculture to IR (industrial revolution)
- move from villages to cities
- urbanization
- factory work
third wave: IR to information age
- work separated from location
- rise of the infosphere
- personal freedom
= the electronic cottage (working from home)
Network society (Manuel Castells)
- ICT will lead to inequality and social exclusion
- critical theory: IT is decieving –> digital divide, supports big business and consumer culture, masks true meaning of existence, hegemony, supports people in power.
smart communities (John Eger)
- we can use technology for good
- cities play an important role
- If we come together with people of communities and work together we can use technology for good –> smart communities to make democracy better.
- collaboratories
- bleeds trough in architecture
digital places
- modern version of smart communities
- smart communities can come together in physical and digital space (work from home or at the office)
E-government to E-governance: Building the virtual state (Jane Fountain)
- technology enactment theory: its about how humans act with technology and integrate technology
- we are still working on becoming a virtual state
Maum en DiMaio’s 4 stages of e-government:
1. presence: e-government where it is actual digitalization –> online form
2. interaction: email, contact boxes to interact with government
3. transactions: online payments
4. transformation: real E-governance –> government transformed to virtual state –> governments change completely how they work and citizens have really easy acces to all things of government
Types of trust
- pocess-based trust: trust that we gain from our interaction with the government
- institutional based trust: reputation trust –> idea or feeling about the government