Hoofdstuk 10: Rigor and validity Flashcards
What is study validity and give four elements to support validity ?
Extent to wich appropriate inferences can be made (cause ==> effect)
- Statistical conclusion validity (empirical evidence)
- Internal validity (relationship of indep-, dep var and confounders)
- Construct validity (Instruments,designs,…)
- External Validity (other settings or groups –> generelizations)
Ho do you counter confounding participant characteristics ?
- Randomization: equal groups
- Crossover: part. serve as own control
- Homogenity: sample is homogenous with respect to confounder
- Stratification/blocking: randomized blok designs
- Matching: pair match to creat comparable groups
- Statistical control: remove effect of confounders by including in analysis
Explain statistical conclusion validity
= Demostrate an empirical relation (can they be detected ?)
1.low stat. power:
Solution: -Large sample size
-Maximize group diffrences on the independant variable to obtain clear results
-Maximize precision (accurate measuring tools, controlling confounders, stat. methods,…)
2.Restriction of range of values on the outcome:
-Limited variability –> attenuated (verzwakt) relationship
3.Unreliable implementation of treatment
-Treatment fidelity: standardize intevrention/protocols
-Manipulation check: intervention was recieved as intended ?
-Treatment adherence: Document dose of treatment for all participants
Explain internal validity (design and analysis)
=extent of wich you can say for sure if the independant var is the cause of variation in outcome
-Temporal ambiguity: cause must precede effect
-Selection: Differences between groups may explain effect
-History: occurance of external events together with indep var.
-Maturation: process accuring in participants as function of time
-Martality/attrition: non-random dropouts from study
-Testing and instrumentation: effects pre test on post test (gettong used to it), effects of changing in measurement instrument
! efforts te enhance int. val. dont end with design
- selection bias:compare pretest measures and key background var - attrition(slijtage) bias:compare those who completed vs dropouts - -> intent-to-treat analysis (iedereen meenemen in analyse) - ordering bias: compare orderings in crossover design (history?)
Explain construct validity
=inferences from study particulars (treatment - setting - outcome - population) to the higher order underlying constructs they intend to represent
1. theoretical conceptualization and explication of contructs of intrest
2. select instances that match those constructs:operalization
3. Asses the match
- Reactivity to study sit. : Hawthorne
- researcher expectancies: comunccation of desired outcomeinfluences respones of part. –> blinding
- novelty effects: staff or family compensate for control group not recieving experimental treatment
- treatment diffusion or contamination: blurring of treatment conditions
Explain external validity
= extent to wich outcomes can be generalized to other populations
- representativess of study pop & setting
- replication: multisite studies
- use real-world circumstances (not artificial ie RCT)
- Interaction between relationship and people (certain types of people who are exlcluded)
- Interaction between causal effects and treatment variation (ie somebody ethousiastic –> better outcome ?)
What are trade offs in study validity ?
Adressing one sacrifices the other in a way (!strong in internal and external val.)
- phased series:
1. efficacy: tightly controlled –> internal validity)
2. effictiveness studies: large sample, multiple sites, less restrictove –> external validity
3. compromise: balace between internal and external (practical or pragmatic clinical trials)