Homicide and Serious Crime Investigation Flashcards
What are the initial responsibilities to a Homicide or Serious Crime?
O/C Scene
.BRIEFING staff on their duties
RECONNAISSANCE - Conduct a reconnaissance to gain overall picture of scene and test possible reconstructions
UPLIFTING, inspecting and ensuring delivery of labelled exhibits to the exhibit recorder
CONTROLLING, freezing and preserving the scene and ensuring it is safe
COMMUNICATION - Providing communication link between the scene and O/C Investigation
COMMON - Establishing a common approach path between police cordon and scene’s focal point
COORDINATING and overseeing the crime scene examination
ENSURING scene is photographed, fingerprinted and examined by specialists before searched
PLANNING a strategy for forensic examination
PROVING relevant exhibits in court
What is the Initial Action to preserve a Scene?
VICTIM - Identify and locate the victim(s).
APPRECIATION - Make an initial appreciation of the incident. Assess personal risk and then preserve the lives of others.
WITNESSES - Locate and contain witnesses.
SCENE - Preserve the scene (e.g. set boundaries).
EXHIBITS - Note evidence and preserve any that would otherwise be lost or destroyed.
INGREDIENTS - Consider whether the ingredients of the alleged offence have been established.
POWERS - Identify what powers are available
and consider whether to execute them.
OFFENDERS - Identify and apprehend suspect(s).
What are the Benefits of Appreciation Technique?
REDUCES uncertainty
INFORMS all Police what they are expected to achieve
INCREASES the chances of success, i.e the investigative aims/objectives being met
ESTABLISHES a sequence of activities to be carried out
ELIMINATES duplication
ENSURES nothing is overlooked
EFFECTIVE use of resources
What are the Responsibilities of O/C Body?
The O/C Body MUST
MAINTAIN custody and security of the body, sample and exhibits
COMPLETE the sudden death procedures
REMAIN with the body and accompany it to the mortuary
The O/C Body MUST FIND OUT……….
The body has been moved or disturbed
The body has been identified
The death has been certified
SKETCH plan is prepared and notes have been taking recording:
LIVIDITY, if any and the extent of rigor mortis
AUTHORITY from OC Investigation to move the body
POSITION of the body, the limbs, bodys appearance, wounds and clothing
POSITION of the body has been outlined with chalk, crayon or some other material.
If the body was disturbed…….
Do not attempt to restore the scene to its original condition
Make enquiries to enbale original scene to be reconstructed and photo later if necessary
Arrange for……….(MINC)
MEDICAL History to be obtained for the pathologist
IDENTIFY the body - a suitable person to ID body
NEXT of Kin to be informed
CERTIFY - A doctor to certify the death, if this has not been done
Accompany the O/C Investigation, Scene and necessary specialist staff during the prelim exam of the body to preserve any evidence that may be lost when the body is moved
COVER hands and feet with plastic bags, wrap body in a plastic sheet and place in a body bag
ENSURE clothing on the body is not contaminated through contact with foreign objects
CAREFULLY search under the body
O/C Exhibits
- The O/C Exhibits is responsible for establishing required standards for the:…………………..
- What are the Responsibilities and Duties of O/C Exhibits?
The OC Exhibits is responsible for establishing required standards for the:
And ensuring these processes are completed in accordance with the requirements set by the OC Investigation and the Serious Crime Template.
The OC Exhibits must communicate required standards to all investigation team members, usually at investigation conferences.
PRODUCING relevant exhibits in court.
RECEIVING the exhibits
ENSURING they are labelled by finder and accompanied by a 268
PREPARING them for production in court
RECORDING the exhibit movements
ENSURING that exhibits are uniquely numbered
DELIVERING the exhibits for examination or analysis
SECURING the exhibits
RECORDING the exhibits in the Exhibit Register
ENSURING that the continuity of evidence is maintained
CONSULTING the 2I/C on the relevance of exhibits and indicating the further 4Qs required in relation to any exhibit
What is the Role and Function of Family Liaison Officer?
The role of the Family Liaison Officer (FLO) involves the day-to-day management of the partnership between the family of the deceased and the Police investigation.
The primary function of an FLO is that of an investigator and not a support person.
However, in performing this role, the FLO must also offer, facilitate and co-ordinate support that addresses the needs of the family.
Explain a Family Liaison Plan
The plan should be recorded and consider:
· selection of the FLO and criteria employed for the selection
· exit plan for the FLO
· objectives of the family liaison
· assessing the most appropriate methods of conducting interviews with family members, including the use of specialist interviewers, where appropriate
· information to be released to and withheld from, the family
· requests made by the family which have not been agreed to, and the reasons for this
· complaints made by the family and the OC Investigation’s action to progress and resolve the issues raised
· any member of the family who could be considered a suspect, to enable the OC Investigation to determine whether or not this is the case
· liaison with Victim Support and other support services.
What are the Responsibilities of File Manager?
Question/List 1: 5 points
Question/List 2: ADAMS ACE AO
- HELP to establish and Maintain the Op HQs
- COMPILE and Maintain the file content
- BACK UP the computer file regularly
- SECURE the file and computer back up
- Maintain a file of all NEWSPAPER clippings relating to the investigation
* **********
A Assist with establishing and maintaining the Investigation Headquarters
D Document Management System outlined in the Serious Crime Template
A Assist the 2IC with the Identification and recording of evidential material
M Manage the electronic and physical files relating to the investigation
S Support the 2IC by reading all documents for the purpose of highlighting important information to the 2IC
A Assist with the preparation of the prosecution file
C Complete a synopsis of all documents received, excluding documents relating to covert policing activities.
E Ensure a flow of info throughout the investigation
A Assist with management of the trial
O Operate the paper flow and associated structure in accordance with the Serious Crime Template
What are the police responsibilities to witnesses?
MAINTAIN contact with witnesses to ensure they are available for court
ATTEND - Ensure that the witnesses attend court and see to their welfare
ADVISE the 2 IC Investigation of any witnesses seeking name suppression, so they can inform the crown prosecutor
REPORT any instances of threats, intimidation/interference with witnesses, so that appropriate action can be taken
INTERPRETERS - Arrange court interpreters
NOK - Ensure victims NOK are informed of the progress of the enquiry & pending court case
EXPLAIN court procedures to witnesses
REFRESH - allow witnesses to refresh their memories from their statements
SUMMONS witnesses to prelim hearing and arrange their attendance at the trial.
What are the responsibilities of OC Area Canvas? (Key points for team briefings)
- SUMMARISE the situation and detail the duties and areas of responsibility of each canvass team member
- THOROUGHNESS - Emphasise the need for THOROUGHNESS and that EVERY PERSON in every household and visitors must be seen personally.
- GUIDE - Stress that the questionnaire is ONLY A GUIDE to ensure the questions are asked, but should be regarded as flexible in that information supplied could lead to other questions.
- FWS - Advise that evidence of possible probative value must be obtained in a formal written statement rather than notebook form. Note: The questionnaire must be endorsed, if a statement is taken.
- VISITING - Consider visiting the canvass area to record every address including flats and vacant sections and then reconcile these premises with the map.
- COMPLETED - Ensure all forms are completed, and actioned as outlined.
- COMPLETED - Reconcile completed locations with the master copy to avoid duplication.
- Advise staff on:
- what ACTION to take if they believe they have IDENTIFIED the suspect
- what action to take if they locate ITEMS of EVIDENTIAL value
- what action to take if individuals REFUSE to assist
- how to complete the CORRESPONDENCE flow
- what INFO can be DISCLOSED during the area canvass (i.e. information in media releases or otherwise already in the public domain)
- what information MUST NOT BE DISCLOSED.
What is OC Exhibits responsibilities in relation to:
- Forensic Strategy Meerings
- Submission of Exhibits for examination.
- Forensic Strategy meetings are held to determine which exhibit or other forensic examinations are required and the priority of those examinations
1 - Ensure exhibit examination decisions are CONFIRMED through the Forensic Strategy meeting process.
2 - RECORD in the Exhibits Register all decisions taken about the TYPES of examinations to be conducted and the PRIORITY allocated to each examination.
3 - Ensure the OC Investigation has AUTHORISED the proposed examination.
4 - Prepare the necessary PAPERS for the ESR or other expert, for example the Police 143 forms.
5 - Ensure any exhibits IDENTIFIED for forensic examination are prepared BEFORE being delivered, specifically:
· all items are separately wrapped
· all parcels are sealed
· all items or their packages are labelled and numbered
· a list of all items is attached to the Police Form 143
· the Police Form 143 is consistent with the labels on the items
· items are in an appropriate condition, for example, clothing is dry and blood samples are refrigerated.
The OC Exhibits must ensure the Police Form 143 contains sufficient information, including:
· brief CIRCUMSTANCES of the case
· purpose(s) of the examination
· LOCATION where each item originates from e.g. from a particular scene, victim, witness or suspect
· whether any exhibits are damp or REQUIE SPECIAL ATTENTION
· authorisation by the appropriate supervisor.
6 - DELIVER exhibits for scientific examination promptly to avoid deterioration and loss of evidence.
7- INFORM the EXPERT undertaking a scientific examination if it is no longer required.
What must you do ‘Before attending the Scene’
- Remember decisions must be driven by the circumstances, not just by the requirements of a checklist.
- Obtain all available information.
- Consider requesting the complainant to assist/observe, if safe to do so.
- Make an appreciation of the incident.
- Develop a plan to progress the inquiry, considering the relevant risks.
Remember: Freeze, Control, Guard and Preserve.
• Assess own safety and then preserve lives of others.
• Identify and apprehend suspect(s).
• Contain and control witnesses.
• Preserve scene.
What must you consider ‘Enroute to scene’
- Look out for the suspect.
- Note and consider stopping any vehicles attempting to leave the scene.
- Prioritise tasks and assign duties, e.g. VOWES, i.e. Victim, Offender, Witnesses, Exhibits and (immediate) Scene.
What must you consider ‘On arrival at scene’
- Log arrival obtain acknowledgement.
- Gather infor and conduct a risk assessment / appreciation.
- Ensure the safety of yourself, colleagues, victim and others.
- Give sitrep/Provide a SFP
- Establish a single clear Common path into and out of scene
- Record relevant info
What should you do to ‘Control people at the scene’?
Control people at the scene to gain control of the scene
• Take control of the scene.
• Exercise warrantless powers if appropriate, pursuant to the Search and Surveillance Act 2012.
• Clear the scene of persons and if possible, contain them nearby.
• Identify and locate the complainant and conduct a preliminary interview. Refer: Investigative Interviewing Witness Guide.
• Arrange a detailed interview and statement.