Homeric Hymn 2 Structure Flashcards
Persephone carried off, the earth gaped open and Hades sprang forth on his chariot
Demeter wanders the earth for nine days. Discussion with Hecate and Helios
Wanders the earth in anger, comes to Eleusis, met by the four daughters of Celeus
She tells the daughters that she has been captured by pirates from Crete and brought to Thoricos from whence she has escaped. She asks to be a nurse or a house keeper
Metaneira consents and they run back and lead Demeter to the palace. She sits in silent sorrow until Iambe makes her laugh. She accepts a drink of barley and water
Metaneira welcomes her, asks her to nurse Demophon, she promises to keep him from harm. Metaneira watches and detects and cries out, Demeter is angry and snatches him from the fire
Demeter condemns mankind for their folly. Demophon will have an annual ceremony in his honour. She orders a temple to be built, promises to teach the Eleusinians her rites.
They’re all terrified. All night they try to expropriate the goddess. Celeus is told what happened and they build the temple
Terrible famine, Zeus sends Iris but Demeter rejects her, at last he sends Hermes to bring back Persephone
Hades consents to letting her go, promising that she will have great honours as his wife. He gives her a pomegranate seed to eat
Mother and daughter reunited, Demeter asks if she has eaten and how she was carried off. Persephone answers.
They spend the day in happy reunion. Zeus sends Rhea to ask them to come to Olympus - Persephone will love their two thirds of the year.
Rhea gives the message and Demeter consents. Life returns to the fields, she teaches her solemn rites to the princes of Eleusis, which are secret and guarantee to the initiate a happy life after death.
The goddesses go up to Olympus, happy is the man on earth whom they favour
Final invocation