Homeostasis of Body Fluids (Rao) Flashcards
T or F: At steady state, body fluid volume and not necessarily its composition is stable.
F: both body fluid volume and its composition are stable
To maintain homeostasis of body fluid, fluid and salt intake must equal …
fluid and salt output
T or F: For everyone, there is a constant fluid output of 2.5 L/day.
F: fluid intake is highly variable. therefore output will also be highly variable (intake = output)
*2.5L/day is the avg fluid intake per day
Total body water but be maintained in order to maintain ______
a high metabolic rate
TBW is higher in (men or women). Why?
Men because women have higher fat content
T or F: TBW decreases with age
T: due to inc in fat
T or F: As total body fat increases, total body water decreases
Where is most of our body water distributed?
muscle (46%)
skeleton (16%)
fat (10%)
organs (6%)
What % of the tissue in out organs is water?
75% is water
What are the 3 ways that we take in fluid?
Drinking. Food we eat > oxidative metabolism
What is the avg amt of fluid taken in per day?
2.5 L
What are the 3 ways that we get rid of water?
Urine > insensible water > feces
What is the minimum amount of urine that a person must excrete in order to still get rid of the metabolic waste?
0.5 L/day
A burn victim will loose (more or less) fluid than a healthy individual.
T or F: we loose water during expiration.
T: water is used to moisten the air we breathe in order to avoid drying out our alveolar spaces
What does the kidney regulate? (that does not involve it secreting hormones)
water and inorganic ion balance
What 2 things does the kidney remove?
metabolic waste products(urea, creatinine, and uric acid)
foreign chemicals (pesticides and food additives)
What hormones does the kidney secrete?
1, 25 dihydroxy vitamin D3
Renin-Angiotensin II
What additional role does the kidney play during fasting?
gluconeogenesis (makes glc from aa to maintain blood glc levels)
What are the fluid compartments and how many L of water are there in each?
ICF: 25 L
ECF: 15 L
–> plasma: 3 L
–> ISF: 12 L
What % of body weight is the blood volume? How many L is blood volume?
What barrier separates plasma from ISF?
What compartments does the cell membrane separate?
What % of body weight is total body water in a healthy 70 kg male?
Describe the permeability of a cell membrane.
highly impermeable except for Cl-, urea, and lipophillic molecules
T or F: A capillary is very permeable
Describe the ion composition of plasma. (major and minor cation and anion)
Major cation: Na+
Major anion: Cl-
Minors: K+, HCO3-, Protein-
Describe the ion composition of ISF
Major cation: Na+
Major anion: Cl- and HCO3-
Minors: K+, (NO PROTEIN-)
Describe the ion concentration of ICF.
Major cation: K+
Major anion: phosphate, bicarbonate
Minors: Na+, HCO3-, Protein-, Cl-
Why is the composition of the ISF and plasma very similar?
bc they are separated by a capillary which is very permeable
Why are negatively charged proteins found in the plasma and not in the ISF?
bc capillary wall is impermeable to the negatively charged proteins