Homeostasis Flashcards
steady state VS chemical equilibrium
steady state - needs energy input; the amount of substance in compartments don’t change over time (still movement in/out)
-potential is a resting membrane potential
chemical equilibrium - doesn’t need energy input
mass balance for a system at steady state for metabolism
any substance taken in by the body is nearly equal to the amount leaving the body plus that removed by metabolism
basal metabolic rate
energy expenditure at rest; largest proportion of our daily energy usage (60% if sedentary)
-less than RMR b/c various forms of daily activity
resting metabolic rate
more than BMR b/c of various forms of daily activity
-higher in males, some hormones, if arctic, younger age
electrolyte concentration in extracellular and intracellular fluid
ECF - Na+
ICF - K+
maintained by Na+/K+ ATPases (3 Na+ out, 2 K+ in)
what is the major process used to maintain homeostasis
negative feedback
- initiation of responses that counter deviations iof a controlled variable from a normal range
- acts in combination with feedforward controls
feedforward controls
regulates body systems, particularly when a change with time is desirable
- acts in combination with negative feedback
- involves a command signal, but doesn’t directly affect the sensed compound
positive feedback
accelerates a process and can be unstable
-less common in nature than negative feedback, but still important
perturbation, gain, and correction
P - original change in homeostasis (ex: drop in blood pressure)
C - how much of the pertubation is repaired (pertubation - remaining error)
G - correction/remaining error (capacity of the system to restore a controlled variable to its set point after a pertubation)
negative and positive feedback due to blood loss
NFB: if less than 1 liter of blood lost; eventually returns to homeostasis
PFB: if more than 1 liter of blood lost; will eventually die
thermodynamic equilibrium in absence of solute electrochemical potential difference across membrane
driving force for solute transport
- charged: if equal and opposite in direction across membrane, net force is zero
- uncharged: if equal and opposite in direction, NOT a driving force
3D concept of a gradient
difference - solute concentration
direction - “up/against” or “down” gradient
driving force - potential energy acting on movement or change in physical and/or chemical properties of a defined space relative to comparable space
types of thermodynamic transport
passive transport - only down gradient
primary active transport - only up gradient, needs energy
secondary active transport - dependent on PAT to create a gradient (indirectly uses energy)
-sometimes travels up gradient, other times down gradient
types of molecular mechanisms
ion translocating pump (primary active)
channel (passive; mostly inorganic ions)
carriers (passive uniporters, secondary active symporters/cotransporters, or antiporders/cotransporter/exchangers)
ion-translocating ATPases
primary active transporters
- Na/K (3 Na out, 2 K in)
- H+
- H/K
- Ca++
kinetics of simple diffusion VS carrier-mediated diffusion
SD: straight line that doesn’t “saturate”
CM: hyperbolic curve that “saturates”
transfer stoicheometry
number of substrate molecules transported in one complete cycle of molecular events mediated by transport PRO, resulting in transfer of substrate across membrane
transfer electrogenicity
confers membrane potential difference (voltage) as well as substrate concentration difference as an additional driving force favoring/opposing transfer
acid extruder VS acid loader
Extruder: H+ leaves, base enters, increasing pH (acidosis: H+ is expelled in exchange for Na+)
Loaders: H+ enters, base exits, decreasing pH (alkalosis: HCO3 is expelled in exchange for Cl-)
what do core temperatures vary with?
time of day (highest between 3-6 PM, lowest between 3-6 AM)
stage of mestrual cycle (1 C higher if post-ovulatory)
level of activity/emotional stress
age (decreases as older)
transfers heat as electromagnetic waves between objects not in contact
- rate of transfer proportional to temperature difference
- humans emit infrared (~60%)
intermolecular thermal heat transfer between solid objects in direct contact
-minimal if wearing shoes/clothing
loss/gain of heat by movement of air/water over the body
- heat rises, carrying heat away from body
- body immersed in water exchanges most heat by convection