Homeopathy - Herscu Flashcards
Sudden onset - Intense reaction
Acute FEVER. Early stages of fever, inflammatory process that are accompanied with AGITATION, RESTLESS, FEAR.
Exposure to cold brings on the fever. Or after shock
Acute fright, panic attack. SENSE that YOU WILL DIE. Claustrophobia.
don’t like to be hot (differentiates from ars alb)
Resp INFXN, allergies. Eyes become teary, nose running (like a faucet), red. Better open air, cool air Worse warmth. HA often accompanies.
Amputee - phantom leg
allium cepa
mucus in the lungs that can’t be expelled. Weak cough, rattling chest.
Cyanotic. (Whooping cough, bronchitis, flu)
Near drowning or drowning.
Elderly. COPD.
Worse warm, better cool air.
antimonium tartaricum
sudden edema, swelling. Hives with stinging, burning sensations.
Worse warm, better cool. THIRSTLESS. MB kidney dz that leads to swelling.
Irritable, jealous.
Restlessness, Anxiety, Fear of death. Fear of being alone. Fear of germs. Fear of thieves.
Needing to be saved. Child runs to parents room.
Chilly. Worse cold, or night time (12AM). Better heat.
Thirsty for SIPS.
Acrid D/C - makes area red.
Worse they get, the weaker they become. Fear.
arsenicum album
aconite does not want to be warm
RESP INFXNS - main complain is tonsillar or gland swelling. (MONO, ear infxns)
Childish tendency. Delayed development. Lack of confidence. SHY. Timid. Bashful.
baryta carbonica
AGG by MOVEMENT, sharp, intense pn w/ movement.
DRYNESS of mucus membranes. THIRSTY for large amts.
Injuries with SHARP pns. Worse any movement.
Better Ice, Compression, Elevation. Better LYING ON PAINFUL SIDE
Cough is INTENSE (almost retching), dryish, difficult to bring up mucus
Cough so hard, tinkle a little.
any kind of neuro d/o
contractions of skin, tendons, arthritis
Better wet weather*
Hoarseness, frequent laryngitis
Rebel. Idealist. Can’t tolerate injustice.
intolerant to everything. overly sensitive, everything causing pain. Screeching, piercing scream.
Teeth pain. Severe ear ache.
Sensitive to: light, sound, touch. Everything hurts. Nearly hysterical. Peevish.
One cheek red. One cheek pale
Tend toward diarrhea like spinach.
whooping cough remedy. cough so much, epistaxis. Barking cough. Worse drinking, heat, night, lying down. WORSE EATING.
spongia - better eating
FLU - main complaint is BODY ACHES, every BONE hurts. Esp. lower back, pelvis.
eupatorium perfoliatum
HAYFEVER esp where eyes are tearing, red and raw.
Nose is bland.
HIGH FEVER, no particular reason. Early stage of infxn in a weak individual.
Face is pale, lips are red. Bleed, potentially epistaxis
Later, may find out it’s pneumonia, severe bronchitis.
ferrum phosphoricum
FLU remedy. Weakness, so weak, shake and tremble. Difficult to keep eyes open. Dull, droopy. HEAD FULL OF COTTON. Chills.
Anxiety. Stage fright! Anticipatory anxiety.
Feel full of liquid - better urination. HA better urination. Not thirsty, feel too full.
Diarrhea, loose stools.
Abscesses, bronchitis, coughs.
Sensitive to COLD (may wear a hoody/hat) and pain. During interview stay bundled up.
Worse Cold.
SHARP pains (needle in tonsils).
Pimples, abscesses, MRSA. slightest touch creates sharp pain.
Irritable, nasty.
hepar sulphuricum
SINUSITIS w/ thick, ropey mucus. SINUS REMEDY
If pull mucus out too quickly, create raw area of pain.
Tiny areas of pain. Chronic or acute arthritis where pt will point to a small, specific area.
kali bichromicum
Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. LUNG REMEDY.
sharp, stitching pains. Worse night (2-4AM), chilly people.
Moralistic, judgmental, proper individuals.
Swelling/edema in face like a BAG above the EYE. Can be at ankles or fingers.
End organ damage - Heart, Kidney - swelling d/t to this
kali carbonicum
comes from lower throat/chest. Cough occurs whenever CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE
pull covers off, start coughing. In the house, but open the door to go in/out - cough.
rumex crispus
HEADACHES, MIGRAINES RIGHT SIDED (starts in shoulder, works up the right side, ends up in forehead)
Right sided shoulder bursitis.
As headache severity increases, VOMIT - makes HA better!
BRONCHITIS, DRY COUGH (harsh, barking, intense)
better eating, drinking
Cough comes from sternal notch, Tilting head up to look at ceiling makes them cough**
spongia tosta
Chronic Asthma, repeated bronchitis.
Hyper. RESTLESS. Sick often. Cold wet weather.
Tendency to grind teeth, chilled. Sweating. Sweating in their sleep. Bedwetting.
Food allergies (milk) however, crave milk. Desire FAT, SMOKED MEATS, delicacies.
Fear of or allergy to CATS
CRUEL, hard-hearted people. Cursing. Lack morality.
Stuck between good and evil, unsure which road to take.
Lack of confidence. All SX better eating, worse fasting.
Digestion - stool is soft to start, becomes harder.
Intense D/C’s, coldness, weakness, collapse.
Diarrhea, vomiting, Intense sweating. horrible menstrual pains and D/Cs
Profuse D/Cs from EVERY orifice. each d/c makes them more weak, cold.
Delusion they’re christ. Haughty.
Veratrum Album
TRAUMA, BRUISED, Concussions, say they’re ok. Aching pain. WORSE TOUCH.
Nosebleeds while washing the face
arnica montana
SUICIDAL Ideation. Happy about their idea of suicide.
Depressed. Harsh. Black and white. Serious. Difficult people.
Religious. High moral. Perfectionist people. DESTRUCTIVE lifestyle (gambling, alcohol)
aurum metallicum
an aurum state is a lethal state.
OVERWHELMED. obstinant. Work too much. Anxious (about health, family, job) Fear of heights.
Tend to be overweight. Swollen glands, legs. Repeated resp. tract infxns. SWEATING. perspiration (during the day, at night). Tendency toward constipation.
ANYTHING BONE. Fontanelle’s don’t close properly, spina bifida, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteopenia/porosis. BONES.
calcarea carbonica
BLADDER INFXN, cystitis. SEVERE cystitis. SUDDEN ONSET. INTENSE SXs. HOT, burning drops.
Great remedy for burns
Pass out easily.
Cold, clammy, bluish skin. Elderly with COPD burping a lot with SOB.
ACUTE - GIARDIA belching, passing gas. Relieved by belching. Become weak quickly
carbo vegetabilis
Ailments from LOSS OF FLUIDS
bled a lot, nursed. Periodocity worse at sp. time of day.
Worse touch, better pressure.
Bloating, distention. Pass gas, no relief. LV DZ, GB DZ.
Malaria remedy. Fever states.
cinchona officinalis (china)
first remedy proved by Hahnemann
irritable children, grinding teeth. Picking nose.
WORM REMEDY. NS is irritated, making they themselves irritable. Unsettled. Irritable children. Unpleasant children.
CRAMPS - severe cramps either acute or chronic.
Menstrual, digestive cramping - any cramp that makes you double over, push on the area.
Cancers and tumors that are HARD LUMPS, hard glands. Esp if injury (BC after injury to breast, etc)
Pt themself is hardened.
Gradual ASCENDING paralysis. Guillan-Barre
BEDWETTING - no particular cause. Children
similar to belladonna
congested, full face. Throbbing red face. Surging BP. HEAT!!! Almost like sun stroke. Women with HOT FLASHES
Become dizzy, confused about where they are
THICK, HONEY COLORED ECZEMA. Vaginitis, with the same d/c as skin.
Thick, cracked skin. Fissures on fingertips, nipples, anus, edges of nose and eyes.
Shameless people, expose themselves during strokes, fevers.
Jealous. Suspicious.
Injuries to the nerves or spinal cord. Esp. on tips - tongue on cold pole, Hammer fingertips, puncture wounds, falling on tailbone.
SHARP, SHOOTING PNs toward chest.
GRIEF. SIGHING. HYSTERICAL. Averse to consolation.
Needs that flip around. Grief. Tension.
Sensation of lump in the throat.
ignatia amara
NAUSEA - intense nausea even after vomiting. Still nauseated.
A lot of bleeding. Tongue looks perfect, no coating.
Forceful. Passionate. Intense. Chatty, talkative. SUSPICIOUS. Dominating, domineering type people.
Vascular, pressure aspect to the store. Left sided complaints. Menstrual: worse before the cycle, better discharge. Worse OCP, menopause, pregnancy.
Hot blooded. Competitive.
First aid in BITES, CUTS, puncture wounds. Area feels cold to the touch, better with cold application.
Digestive complaints - gas, bloating, swelling, burping, constipation.
Low self-confidence makes them bossy and domineering
Agg 4-8PM, right sided complaints R to L
menstrual cramps, abdominal pains. Better Heat, better pressure.
Weepy, Sweet, “help me, help me”
magnesia phosphorica
often confused with puls personality
EXTREME STATES. Extreme personalities.
high sex drive. inflammatory processes. STIs.
BETTER AT THE SEA, swimming in the ocean.
Crave ice cold drinks. Lemons, sour, oranges, alcohol, drugs.
Sweating, salivation. Trembling. Destructive discharges, ulcers. EAR INFECTIONS
syphillitic, worse at night. tongue takes imprint of teeth, scalloped tongue.
Lots of Resp Tract infections. Tonsillitis. Cancers. Body falls apart.
IMPULSIVE. OCD. Outgoing or introverted.
mercurius vivus
INTROVERTED, perfectionistic. Difficult time sharing emotions. Experience grief alone, sadness alone.
Music, movies - emotional outlets. Share emotions with dogs, diary. Difficult to open up.
HAs. Skin problems (eczema). Agg by the sun. Tend to be warm. Thirsty for cold drinks.
Natrum muriaticum
YELLOW TONGUE, esp back of the tongue.
Low Back pn, weakness in the back, back ache.
Desire for fried eggs. Weak kidney qi (nocturnal emissions)
natrum phosphoricum
suicidal dispositions. asthma in wet/humid weather. AGG at 4 AM (aren’t we all?)
Diabetes after grief. Sensitive people. Cheerful after stool.
natrum sulphuricum
Nothing will ever go right and I’m going to hold you personally responsible.
sharp pains. Ulcer, tonsils, eczema, sharp pains.
Never will they forgive you. You say something and it hurts them, they’ll NEVER forgive.
Crave strong smelling foods. Strong cheeses, mustards. Foul smelling, tasting things.
nitric acidum
No nonsense. Ambitious. Get it done NOW. Chilly people with sensitivity to noise, light, touch, smell. Wants to, but can’t (vomit, BM, etc)
nux vomica
DISCHARGES - diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding.
Large thirst for cold drinks. Ameliorated by comfort, people, massage, energy work.
Anxious. Fears. Fear of death. IMPRESSIONABLE.
Crave sweets, spicy, cold drinks, ice cream.
Palpitations. Worse lying on LEFT side.
SWOLLEN GLANDS, mastitis. Pains radiating down the body. Down the chest. Breast ABSCESSES. Swollen tonsils.
Haughty, arrogant. Numbness in the body somewhere.
CHILLY - so chilly wear hats and gloves in the summer. Hoarders.
SKIN ERUPTIONS, smelly. Smelly people in general.
Hopeless. Anxiety. Something bad is going to happen
looks like sulphur, except CHILLY
SWEET, MILD, PLEASANT. Desire comfort, consolation. Ear infections, bronchitis, sore throats. MALLEABLE.
NO THIRST. Warm people needing cool fresh air.
Like ice cream, sweets.
INFECTION. **Room smells horrible. **High fever with normal pulse, or high pulse, no temp.
STIFF. WORSE FIRST MOTION, COLD. Better continued motion, heat.
Arthritis, sprained ankle, laryngitis.
SKIN - bumps coalescing (pimple on top of pimple)
rhus toxicodendron
Periosteal pain or injuries. Injuries to TENDONS
overuse injuries
ruta graveolens
Hormonal Shutdown. Total and complete shut down.
Miscarriage, Abortion, Pregnant, OCP. Infertility, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea
Lose sex drive, lose love, lose hate. Flattened emotions.
Chilly people.
Hemorrhoids, constipation, varicose veins, stress incontinence, bladder drops, uterus drops.
Crave vinegar, sour.
High intensity aerobics make them feel good.
REFINED, SENSITIVE PEOPLE. Precise people. WEAK. Fear big things, tiny things. Fear being bossed around. Fear needles on the floor.
Stage fright (not enough energy). Chilly, need comfort, clothes, extra protection.
Babies with failure to thrive. Elderly feeling frail and fragile
Swollen hard glands. Sweating a lot.
Infxn of tear ducts, eyes. Constipation, BASHFUL stool
honeymoon cystitis.
Inability to confront someone.
NIGHT TERRORS. Fear of evil. Dark, scary things. Fear of animals, ghosts. Violent (when violent, extremely strong)
Warm Blooded, burning pains. Irritating, smelly, discharges from anywhere.
Redness anywhere on the body. Tend toward DIARRHEA. Argumentative people.
Fear rising, messy people. Skin problems. Itchy. INFXN.
Crave sweet, spicy, fat, meat, cold drinks. HATE eggs.
Break a bone and it heals with difficulty.
Trauma to the eye.
OCD. Superstitious. Checking, rechecking.
Worse at night. Any kind of congenital dz, birth defect. Destructive behaviors, alcoholism, gambling.
motion sickness, sea sickness - feel you will, then do - VOMIT. Sweaty, warm.
Lifting shirt to allow cool air on the abdomen helps.
WARTS. Chilly people. Worse from cold, wet.
Left sided complaints. Ailments from vaccine. Sensation something is alive in your abdomen.
HIVES. Allergic rxns to anything.
itching, burning, stinging sensations. WORSE COLD BATH
urtica urens