Home Front* Flashcards
How did women encourage men to volunteer for war?
Men who didn’t go to war were given a white feather to wear to embarass them. Women were the people who gave this to them.
What was the effect of the bombing raids on Britain?
-killed 557 people (over 5,000 bombs dropped)
-injured over 1300 people
How did the government help people identify German aircraft?
They issued posters showing people how to tell the difference between British and German aircrafts.
Why was rationing introduced?
Supply ships into Britain were bombed by enemy submarines. With not a lot of food, they had to make rations.
Once lots of food was stopped importing into Britain what did they do?
-Grew some themselves (land army)
-Rationed food
What does civilian mean?
A member of a city
What does home front mean?
The war at home
What is rationing?
Limiting food people could buy
What is zeppelin?
German inflatable airships
What was the purpose of rationing?
So everyone had enough food to survive.
What were the reasons for prices going up?
The government also had to borrow millions of pounds from the USA to pay for the war. Because of this, taxes went up to pay back the loans.
What was included in a week’s worth of rations.
Some were in short supply so the price for them went up.
What does DORA stand for?
Defence OF the Realm Act
What did the DORA act give the government the power to do?
Whatever felt necessary to win the war.
-take over mines,railways,shipyards
-take over newspapers/radio
-limit drunken behaviour
How did the government limit drunken behaviour?
They watered down beer
What different wars did women do during the war?
-bus drivers
-chimney sweepers
-steel makers
-weapons factories
-fire service
-land army/land girls