Britain Between Wars* Flashcards
After WW1 why was Britain starting to lose out on the share of world trade?
-factories/businesses were totally dedicated to winning the war, when the war was over it was less-demanding products since
What countries had started making Britain traditional goods?
With the slack on world trade what happened in Britain?
It led to unemployment.
What did Britain do with education to improve their country in the years after the war?
-The Education Act 1918 (minimum school-leaving age of 14)
-Children with special educational needs were recognised
What did Britain do with jobs to improve their country in the years after the war?
-Effort for ex-soilders to get jobs
-if job was lost you could claim benefits
-new laws against high rent increases
-Teachers+Farmers increased wages
-Pensions increased from 1925
What did Britain do with health to improve their country in the years after the war?
Ministry of Health 1919= improve healthcare across the country
What did Britain do with houses to improve their country in the years after the war?
200,000 houses were built that could be rented from local councils.
What are ways that lives changed in the 1920’s?
-1918 women aged 30 or over who owned property could vote
-new law= illegal to exclude women from jobs because of their gender
-1928 women over 21 could vote
What do the letters BBC stand for?
British Broadcasting Couperation
Why was the BBC created?
So people were able to listen to news, music, drama, children’s shows and sports. It informed people on the world and entertained them.
Why were the 1920’s known as the ‘roaring twenties’?
People in Britain began to copy American entertainment and fashions. It was full of parties, new music and traditions.
What was the General Strike?
It happened in 1926 and lasted for 9 days, where a range of industries went on strike in support of coal miners who’s pay was being reduced and hours of work increased.
Why was the 1920’s so big?
To forget the horrors of WW1and suffering.
What did people do on nights out in the 1920’s?
-dance halls
-local pubs
What were popular things to do in the 1920’s?
-camping holidays
-open air swimming pools
-Boy+Girl scout
Who were the flappers?
Ladies who smoke and drank openly, drove motorbikes and wore heavy makeup. Called the flappers because of the way their arms looked when they danced.
Why were women more confident after the war?
They’d done all the men’s jobs for them while they were away and they felt more able to live independent lives.
What famous movie stars were in the 1920’s?
-Charlie Chaplin
-Rudolph Valentino
-Gloria Swanson
What cartoon characters were famous in the 1920’s?
-Mickey mouse
-Betty Boop (flapper)
What were movies like before 1927?
They were silent and calm. (jazz music)