Home Economics QTR 2 Flashcards
Fold in : Purpose : Keep _1___ bubbles by gently _2__ __3___ using a ___4___ ___5__ by going down __6__ the bottom then up and _7____.
1 . air 2. mixing 3.ingredients 4. rubber 5. scraper 6.across 7.over
Fold in : Materials (2)
rubber scraper and bowl
Fold in : key words (5)
air bubbles , gently , down middle , across bottom , up and over .
Fold in : Example
chocolate mousse, fold in chocolate pudding and whipped cream.
whip: Purpose : To add 1_ __2__ by beating __3_ until it is fluffy and __4__ in volume .
1 . air 2 . bubbles . 3 ingredients 4. increase
whip : Materials (3)
- whisk 2.rotary beater 3.bowl
whip: key words (4)
1 air bubbles 2. beat 3. fluffy 4. increase volume
whip :Example
beat egg whites or heavy cream until whipped.
toss : Purpose : Tumble ___1 lightly to make a ___2 such as a __3__ or ___4_
- ingredients 2. mixture 3. salad .4.salsa
Toss: Materials (3)
fork , spoon , bowl
Toss : keyword (1)
Toss : Example
tumble chopped cooked chicken with chopped onions minced with red pepper , and lemon juice to make keleguen.
beat : Purpose: To __1 ingredients until ___2 using an over and 3__ fast __4 add a little __5_ bubbles
1 mix 2. smooth 3.over 4.motion 5.air
beat : materials (5)
whisk , fork , bowl , rotary beater , electric mixer .
beat :keywords (4)
over and over. fast motion …..add air