Holocaust Terms (Test 3/27) Flashcards
Opposition to and discrimination against the Jews.
Nazi racial theory, a person of pure German “blood” - blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin.
The process of becoming incorporated into mainstream society.
A complex consisting of concentration, extermination, and labor camps in Poland. Largest concentration camp.
Bergen Belsen
Nazi concentration camp in northwestern Germany. Anne Frank died here.
Concentration camp in North Central Germany.
Concentration camp in Germany.
Concentration Camp
Prisons used without regard to accepted norms of arrest and detention. Essential part of Nazi systematic oppression.
A place in the concentration camps, where the Nazis would burn the dead bodies of the Jewish people.
Death marches
Forced marches of prisoners over long distances and under intolerable conditions. Usually performed from one ghetto/concentration camp to another ghetto/concentration camp.
The Nazi policy of denying Jews basic civil rights, such as practicing religion, education, and having adequate housing.
Final Solution
A Nazi euphemism for the plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.
Gas chambers
Large chambers in which people were executed by poison gas.
The deliberate and systematic destruction of racial, political, cultural, or religious groups.
Secret State Police - used brutal methods to investigate and suppress resistance to Nazi rule within Germany. After 1939, expanded operations into Nazi-occupied Europe.
Established in poor sections of a city, where most Jews from the city and surrounding areas were forced to reside. Often surrounded by barbed wire or walls,. Characterized by overcrowding, malnutrition, and heavy labor.
Hitler, Adolf
Nazi party leader 1919-1945. German Chancellor 1933-1945. Called “Fuhrer” by the Nazis.
Derived from Greek, which means a sacrifice totally burned by fire. Refers to the systematic planned extermination of roughly six million European Jews and millions of others by the Nazis between 1933-1945.
A concentration camp inmate appointed by the SS to be in charge of a work gang.
The Night of the Broken Glass. November 9, 1938, approximately 200 synagogues were destroyed, over 8,000 Jewish shops were sacked and looted, and tens of thousands of Jews were removed to concentration camps. Received its name because of the great value of glass smashed during this antisemitic riot.
Mengele, Joseph
“Angel of Death” - SS physician at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Carried out “selections” of prisoners upon arrival at camp, and performed cruel experiments on prisoners.
Platform based on militaristic, racial, antisemitic, and nationalistic policies. Partly based upon political propaganda, mass rallies, and demonstrations.
An organized and often officially encouraged massacre of, or attack on, Jews. (Derived from two Russian words, which mean “thunder”)
False or partly false information used by the government or political party intended to sway the opinions of the population.
Star of David
A six-pointed star which is a symbol of Judaism. During the Holocaust, Jews throughout Europe were required to wear these on their sleeves or fronts and backs of their shirts and jackets.
An ancient symbol appropriated by the Nazis as their emblem.
Zyklon B
Pesticide used in most of the gas chambers in the death camps.
Jewish prayer for the dead.
German for “leader” - Adolf Hitler’s title as the dictator of Nazi Germany.
A biblical Hebrew word meaning catastrophe or destruction, used to refer the the murder of six million Jews under Hitler.
Abbreviation for “Schutzstaffel,” which means “protection unit.” Were specially chosen Nazi troops, loyal to Hitler and assigned to tasks such as mass shootings and running the death camps.
Jewish house of worship.
Mobile killing squads, made up of SS and German police, charged with mass killings of Jews and other “enemies of the state” in eastern Poland and the Soviet Union.
Forced transfer of Jews to ghettos, concentration camps, and death camps during the holocaust.
Selection (appropriate to the Holocaust)
System of separation of those entering concentration camps, deeming those able to “work” in one category, and those too young, old, or sick in another category. Usually happened upon arrival to concentration camps, and randomly throughout blocks.
Where those in concentration camps would sleep; known for harsh, uncomfortable, tight, and unsanitary conditions.