holism and reductionism: levels of explanation Flashcards
what is holism
an approach to understanding the human mind and behaviour that focuses on looking at things as a whole
what is reductionism
theory in psychology centered on reducing complex phenomena into their most basic parts
levels of explanation (types of reductionism) : biological reductionism
refers to the way that biological psychologists try reduce behaviour to a physical level and explain it in terms of neurons, neurotransmitters, hormones, brain structure
levels of explanation (types of reductionism): environmental reductionism
all behaviour can be reduced to the simple building blocks of stimulus- response associations
what is this debate about
how we choose to study individuals
theoretical example: if I wanted to study a car is it best to study how it functions as a whole or are you going to get enough detail from just just focusing on the engine
the parts are the reductionism
looking at the whole is the holism
what are levels of explanation in psychology
relates to how I’m going to view a particular behavior or characteristic with an individual and there’s 3 different levels of explanation
biological (LOWER)
it is not sufficient on its own usually the root cause, evolution-genetics, structure and function
psychological (MIDDLE)
cultural and social (HIGHER)
example of depression in individuals in levels of explanation
lowest level you could focus on is= biology of depression and could potentially view it is to do with low levels of serotonin in an individual (but may not be sufficient on its own
middle level= psychological explanation of depression that it is a result of the thought processes and schemas that people have
Higher level= focus on the cultural and social aspects of depression and that across different cultures depression varies across different genders, time periods
there are 3 levels of explanations
levels of explanation
what level of reductionism we can break it down to/ how much holism are we going to allow
what examples to use for biological reductionism and environmental reductionism
OCD- the genetic explanation of OCD which asserts that its the COMT and SERT gene in terms of malfunctioning of those genes which ultimately results in OCD so if I wanted to study OCD I can reduce it down to the biological level by the genes
another example
Phobias- looking ta the environmental stimulus response reductionism of the 2 process model which asserts you can understand a phobia by reducing it down to a particular event which born that phobia . So the phobia started because there was an association made between an event, the particular event that happened and a particular thing that happened around that time that created the phobia. to be then maintained by the avoidance behavior
the understanding that I cant view/understand an individual’s behavior simply looking at tiny parts you need to take a holistic view ( incl context) look at individual as an whole i.e. taking a idiographic approach
example of holism
humanistic approach about looking at a person as a whole o illustrate the holism debate