Holding Pattern and Hold Entries Flashcards
The standard hold pattern will be turn to the -
How to determine where the inbound leg will be?
The side of the VOR or NDB
The inbound leg could be displayed as either a -
If the inbound course is 230, what will be the outbound course?
Course or Radial
The reciprocal, 050.
The inbound heading for a standard hold is 090, the two radials which the teardrop entry will be between is?
And the area of the parallel entry?
And the area of the direct entry?
090 is the inbound heading, the inbound radial will be the reciprocal of 090. The area of the teardrop will be from 090 to a limit of 70 degrees to the left of 090, which will be radial 020.
The parallel entry will start from 090 and extend 110 degrees to the right up to radial 200(200 will be the reciprocal of 020, the teardrop limit).
From radial 200, the area will extend 180 degrees to the right up to radial 020.
The inbound heading for a standard hold is 210, the two radials which the teardrop entry will be between is?
And the area of the parallel entry?
210 is the inbound heading. The area for the teardrop entry will start from 210 and extend 70 degrees to the left up to radial 140.
The parallel entry will start from the inbound heading and extend 110 degrees to the right up to radial 320.
State the parallel entry procedure:
- Upon reaching the fix, wait for from flag, turn unto the outbound heading of the holding pattern and fly for the appropriate time.
- Turn left and fly directly to the fix
- Turn right and follow the holding pattern
State the teardrop entry procedure:
- Upon reaching the fix, turn unto a heading that is 30 degrees to the left of the inbound radial.
- Fly for the appropriate time and then turn right to intercept the inbound radial and fly the holding pattern.
State the direct entry procedure:
- Intercept the inbound radial and fly the holding pattern
The checklist before every turn -
Five T’s:
T - Turn T - Time T - Twist T - Throttle T - Talk
Holding Approach checks 10nm done by 6nm
- FUEL - Requirements, Contents, Pump as required & pressure check, Selection as required checked;
- RADIO’S & NAV AIDS - Obtain ATC clearance, set navigation aids and review field procedures;
- ENGINE- Check temps and press, mixtures/fuel flow as required, gills as required;
- DIRECTION INDICATOR- Align with Compass Heading;
- ALTIMETERS- Set QNH after transition level; ANTI-ICE- As required;
- SECURITY- Seatbelt and No-Smoking signs on;
- SPEEDS- Review entry pattern and landing speeds.
F - FREDASS A - ATIS T - T.I.T(Tune Identify test) P - Plate Briefing C - Clearance
Outbound leg timing begins -
abeam fix or wings level, whichever begins later.
90, 45 rule:
The rule applies when -
At what point on the DI must the HSI needle be dead?
If needle is dead?
If needle is alive?
At what after 90 degrees must the needle be at 5 degrees deflection on the HSI for us to know that we are at the correct bank angle?
on outbound leg turning to intercept inbound radial
Outbound 030 + 90 degrees(120)
Continue current bank angle(bank angle is correct)
Increase bank angle
45 degrees from inbound heading(210 - 45 = 165)
At what point should downwind checks be done?(WIV)
Inbound descent to 6900ft
At what point should CPUF be done?
CPUF is our final approach checks
What is a procedure turn?
Course reversal during an instrument approach
Define the reason for a “holding pattern”
A holding pattern is a delaying action on the part of ATC. Being asked to hold is essentially being asked to wait.
Define “MHA”:
Minimum holding altitude, is the minimum holding altitude prescribed for a holding pattern which:
- assures navigation signal coverage
- assures communications; and
- meets obstacle clearance requirements
A standard holding pattern criteria is:
- right-hand turns
2. One minute legs
One minute hold legs applies to at or below -
Above, the legs are -
14 000ft amsl
1 1/2 minutes