HIV/AIDS Flashcards
Where is HIV most endemic?
South Africa
Worldwide are there more males or females with HIV?
UK are there more males or females? More hetero or men who have sex with men?
Men 67%
MSM 57%
Of heterosexual HIV transmission in UK what is the largest ethnic group affected?
Black african
What is a problem with heterosexual transmission/diagnosis?
They present later
What is the risk of contraction of Hep B hep C and HIV from needle stick?
B 1 in 3
C 1 in 30
HIV 1 in 300
What are patients with HIV at risk of?
Atypical infections
Reactivation of latent viral infections
Chronic infections
What is a retrovirus? What do you need to do before it can be read?
Single stranded positive sense RNA strand that uses reverse transcriptase to make DNA in infected host cell
Need to make a negative sense strand before reading
What % live with HIV don’t know they’re infected?
What happens after the retrovirus has been converted to DNA?
Is then transcribed back to RNA in the usual way once incorporated in host DNA
What is HIV
Human immunodeficiency virus
Name some structures of a virus and what they do
ss or ds DNA or RNA
Capsid (protein shell protecting nucleic acid)
Envelope - present or not
Antigens - in envelope
Spikes - help adhere to cell surfaces
Envelope - or not (contains envelope proteins –> antigens) Derived from host cell membrane
What is the baltimore classification?
I –> VII
Based on type of DNA/RNA and method of replication
What happens to ss DNA when it incorporates into host?
Makes a 2nd copy straight away
What happens to ssRNA - sense vs ssRNA + sense when it gets into host?
ssRNA - sense can be read straight away
+ sense need to make a - sense strand before it can be read
What is better ss or ds in terms of mutations that inhibit viral growth?
ds is better as if ss subject to am mutation that will inhibit virus it has nothing to compare to to fix. whereas double strand can use the other strand to fix mutation
How is virus size suited to function?
It is small as they cannot exist outside host cell so they need to be small to get into host
Must be able to bind to host
How does a virus replicate in host?
Uses host machinary
Name some enveloped viruses
Herpes HIV Hep B Hep C Ebola Influenza RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)
Name some non enveloped viruses
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
Which is more likely to cause recurrent viruses enveloped or non enveloped?
Enveloped –> due to the antigen proteins in envelope that virus can change to become unrecognisable by immune system again
What is the best way to diagnose a virus?
Viral PCR