Hitler's Rise to Power Flashcards
In the election of 1932, Nazis won what percent of the vote?
The Nazi party appealed to who?
unemployed, young people, and middle class
The Third Reich lasted from when to when?
Third Reich is…
Third Empire, Hitler’s reign of the German government
By July 1933, only ____ was permitted
The Nazi Party
President of Germany
Hitler ran for president but lost to fellow WWI veteran Paul Von Hindenburg. President from 1925-1934. Second president.
Chancellor of Germany
Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor in January 1933 because he had the most support in the Reichstag.
Reichstag fire
Feb 27, 1933 in Berlin. Reichstag building burns down. Hitler convinces Hindenburg to declare a state of emergency. Blamed the communists, arrested leaders, shut down newspapers. Nazis bragged about committing to impress Hitler.
Article 48
In Feb 1933, Hitler convinces Hindenburg to invoke this article to suspend the constitution. The President can make laws without Reichstag approval.
Through Article 48, Hitler passes…
2 laws:
- Govt. can search and confiscate private property, mail can read, and personal belongings taken.
- Govt. can arrest anyone belonging to rival political parties.
Ministry of Propaganda
Hitler created March 11, 1933. Run by Joseph Goebbels. Controlled art, theater, literature, music, news.
Enabling Act
As Reichstag politicians approached the building to vote on March 23 1933, the SS and SA only let Nazis enter. Voted in favor of the Enabling Act, gave Hitler dictatorial powers for four years. Hitler’s bills became laws in 24 hours.
First concentration camp Hitler opened for anyone suspected of treason, communists detained there.
Book burning
Started May 1933 with college students in 34 German university towns. Burned anything offensive to Germany, Jewish and blacklisted American authors. Taken from public and private libraries and bookstores. Radio described it as “Action Against UnGerman Spirit.”
The Night of Long Knives was…
A purge of SA leadership and attack of Hitler’s opponents on June 30, 1934
What was Hummingbird?
code word Goerring used to authorize massacre of everyone Hitler ordered arrested. Colibri in German.
Who was killed in the Night of Long Knives?
SA leader Ernst Rohm and 80 other SA. Approximately 1000 people were killed. Anyone with too much information.
Why was Ernst Rohm a threat to Hitler?
Once a higher up, secured funds for party, took Hitler under his wing. As leader of the SA he had the power and loyalty of the SA. Didn’t consider himself subordinate to Hitler and was willing to progress without him.
How did the high command of the German Army view the SA?
Didn’t want SA to merge with army. Considered SA undisciplined, mob-like, no regard for German history. Afraid that SA and their leaders would replace army and its leaders.
Describe events of Night of Long Knives.
Hitler arrested SA leaders at hotel in Munich. SS arrested other SA members. Once everyone is arrested, code word is announced, and everyone is executed.
What happened when Hindenburg died in 1934?
Hitler takes presidency and is now president, chancellor, and leader of Nazi Party. Called for a vote of approval to makes him the Fuhrer (leader) of Germany. 95% of registered Germans vote, 90% approve of Hitler becoming Fuhrer. Germany was now a fascist, totalitarian state.
Democrat vs. Dictator: childhood
FDR was aristocratic country gentleman living in comfort and security in NY estate. Hitler was poor and lonely, from an Austrian village, beaten by father but parents died young, failed in pursuing artist’s life.
Democrat vs. Dictator: Early Career
FDR was a lawyer, Sec. of Navy under Wilson, ran for VP in 1920. Hitler fought in WWI, 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, jailed for 9 months and author of Mein Kempf.
Democrat vs. Dictator: Appeal to Youth
FDR was funny, addressed others as friends and family, addressed Boy Scouts, promoted community service and cooperation. Hitler spoke to heart, shouted and pointed, seduced youth from parents (kids would report parents), we are one people and Reich makes boys into men.
Democrat vs. Dictator: Arts
Both supported. FDR Federal Arts Project during depression, scenes of culture and daily life. Hitler promoted Nazi propaganda, nationalism, purged European museums for Fuhrer museum.
Democrat vs. Dictator: Vocabulary
FDR: fireside chats on radio, four freedoms speech (speech, worship, want, fear), the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Hitler: You are not dead you are in Germany, People are laughing at us, You are part of a movement and a command from God.
Democrat vs. Dictator: On War
FDR hates war, has seen death at war, Hitler is enemy of all law. Hitler will fight and not give up, annihilate the Jews, rearmed, new Air Force and navy.
Job of Gestapo
Political police. Round up Jews for deportation to camps. Suppress opposition. Carry out retaliation against citizens. Some served in Einsatzgruppen (mass killers).
Leader of Gestapo
Hermann Goerring: WWI vet, Beer Hall Putsch, commander of Luftwaffe Air Force. Eventually Heinrich Himmler takes over.
Other names for SA
storm troopers, brown shirts, paramilitary organization of Nazi Party, founded by Hitler in 1921.
Job of SA
Protest party meetings, march in Nazi rallies, assault political opponents.
Leader of SA
Ernst Rohm: WWI vet, Beer Hall Putsch
Background of SS
Established by Hitler and owed loyalty to him alone. Selected based on racial purity. Black uniforms.
Job of SS
Protect Hitler at public mass meetings. Operate intelligence service. Run Nazi concentration camps.
Leader of SS
Heinrich Himmler: former chicken farmer, obsessed with efficiency, meticulous records in camps. And Reinhard Heydrich: former naval officer.