Hitler's Rise to Power Flashcards


What were the political circumstances that led to Hitler’s Rise to Power


- Hard to gain a majority. Governments ended up as coalitions 🡪 challenging for the Reichstag to pass laws 🡪 governments became fragmented, weak and often short-lived.
- Article 48 was a double-edged sword. It could be used to preserve and protect democracy, but a president with a different attitude towards democracy could misuse and exploit Article 48. This could be a threat to the constitution.

* **Left-Wing Opposition (Communists): **
* Opposed to democracy, desired communism (more equality)
* Influenced by Russian Bolsheviks
* Spartacist Rebellion a German communist attempt to lauch
their own revolution in 1919 but failed to do so

  • Right-Wing Opposition (Nationalists):
  • Favoured traditional dictatorship, Kaiser back in power
  • Disagreed with harsh TOV terms, territorial expansion + G’s army/industry to be strong again
  • Extreme nationalists, blamed politicians for not having
    courage to continue, called those who ratified TOV ‘November criminals’ war
  • Kapp Putsch an attempt to overthrow the WG but the coup failed as it did not have the support from the military or people
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What were the economical circumstances that led to Hitler’s rise to power?


* Post-war: Poverty, high unemployment, fragile economy. Reparations payment – further burdened, unpopular. More money printed, keep up with reparation payments, failed to pay (1922).
* France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr in retaliation, seized mines/ factories/ railways to take what was owed by Germany as reparation since it failed to service its loan
* Workers(nothing for French to take) decided to adopt
a policy of non-cooperation and went on strikes.. Govt printed more money, pay striking workers and pay off debt
* Value of $ decreased, prices spiralled out of control, hyperinflation e.g. 1 egg: 0.08 marks in 1913, 80 billion marks in Nov 1923 → Poor hard-hit, but wealthier and middle-class Germans most bitter (savings and pensions
wiped out virtually overnight).
Great Depression

  • Failure of Democracy: Weak coalition government (WR) was indecisive to carry out appropriate measure to curb the economic crisis 🡪 WR collapse. Only way out was for the President, Paul von Hindenburg, to use his powers to invoke Article 48 to appoint a new Chancellor, Heinrich Bruning. Apart from cutting government spending on welfare, Bruning also cut the wages of civil servants and most other government employees. The measures were so harsh that Bruning could not get enough support in the Reichstag to pass them into law. He had to ask Hindenburg to use his emergency powers (exploit) again. As a result, a decline in support and lost of faith for moderate parties and rise in support for alternative extreme parties that were more decisive in taking actions.
  • Economic Crisis: Factories closed down, WR made cuts to social services ,Small businesses and shops went bankrupt
    ,Withdrawal of investments by American companies
  • By 1932, unemployment was at 6 million or 40 percent of the workforce
  • Average income of Germans fell by 40 percent 🡪 drop in standard of living = hunger, illness and homeless
  • Makeshift shelters and slums began to appear in most cities
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What were Hitler’s skills that led him to power.


Oratorical Skills
* Prepared, practised speeches and a Master at gauging audience mood
* Incredible energy, 3-4 speeches a day, spoke with force and aloquence
* Appeared sincere so tht he can convince the people ➔ he would
restore Germany to greatness again so that he could win the support
for the Nazi Party
* He always addressed people’s concerns ➔ knew what to say to getattention and support for instance used ‘November criminals’, the
threats communists and the deceiving Jews as scapegoats for all
Germany’s ills


  • Good political strategist, skilful at making deals to advance position,
    willing to wait for right opportunity to take power gradually
  • July 1932 elections: Nazis won most votes, Hitler wanted to be Chancellor but distrusted by President Hindenburg. Allowed fellow conservative (in favour of private ownership) von Papen to carry on as Chancellor. Von Papen no support in Reichstag.
  • Nov 1932 elections: Hindenburg chose von Schleicher as Chancellor but was also forced to resign as lacked support.
  • Hindenburg and von Papen reluctantly invited Hitler to be Chancellor (thought he could get the support they needed in Reichstag). Cabinet dominated by conservatives like von Papen, only 3 Nazis, mistakenly thought they would be able to keep decision-making control ➔ Capabilities underestimated by politicians, Hitler ruled in coalition government. When time was right + enough support, he had the power and opportunity to act decisively, take control over government.
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