Hitler and Nazi germany Flashcards
what was germanys reaction to the treaty of versailles?
- they felt humiliated
- ‘stabbed in the back’
- called the government ‘November Criminals’
what were problems germany faced after ww1?
- bankrupt
- flu epidemic
- lack of food
- coal in short supply
what were some terms of the treaty of versailles?
- pay £6.6 billion in reparations
- army reduced to 100,000
- navy reduced to 6 battleships
- war guilt clause: had to take full responsibility for the war
- ## airforce and submarines forbidden
strengths of the weimar republic?
- bill of rights: freedom of speech and religion
- men + women over 20 could vote
weaknesses of the weimar republic?
- people highly suspicious of the new government
- proportional representation: made it difficult to make decision between parties
what attempts were made to overthrow the weimar republic?
Munich putsch
Spartacist and Revolt
what was the munich putsch?
- Nov 1923 Hitler and supporters enter meeting in a beer hall in munich
- Hitler fires a gun
- He held government officials at gunpoint but they refused to join him
- army ordered to put nazis down
- hitler arrested: sentenced to 5 years but only served 9 months
who were the spartacists?
- communists who wanted to overthrow the weimar, wanted germany to be run by working classes, didn’t support reichstag believed only supported needs of the rich
who were the freikorps?
- ex ww1 soldiers that were angry about loss of the war and the TOV
- believed that germany was betrayed by the communists
what was the spartacist revolt?
Jan 1919
- 100,000 spartacist supporters took over Berlin
- supporters gave up and went home
- freikorps called in by government and they killed 700 including spartacist leaders
what was the aftermaths of the spartacist revolt?
communists and socialists never trusted each other again, these two groups could have joined together to stand against the nazis
what were economic problems germany faced?
- hyperinflation
- 1929 wall street crash
- ruhr crisis
- 1923 dawes plan
what were the effects of hyperinflation?
- couldn’t physically carry enough money
- prices rise a few times a day
- savings and pensions became worthless
- used money notes as wallpaper, toilet paper and toys
what was the 1929 wall street crash?
- US economy collapses: worldwide depression
- unemployment in germany reached 6 million
what was the ruhr crisis?
- Germany doesn’t keep up reparation payments.
- French and Belgian troops invade the Ruhr
- Ruhr Workers told to go on strike
- Less goods being produced = prices rise.
what was the dawes plan?
- USA lends money to germany
- french and belgian troops leave ruhr
- new currency introduced: rentenmark
what was hitlers leadership like?
- charismatic and passionate public speaker
- used the jews and communists as scapegoats
- offered solutions to people problems
- sympathised with struggles of the german people
what promises did hitler make to germany?
- destroy the treaty of versailles
- increase employment
- stop immigration
- increase wages
what was the reichstag fire?
- reichstag burns down
- blamed on communist found in building with matches
- people through nazis started the fire
- hitler announced it was start of a communist plot to take over germany and used article 48
- communists accusted and 4000 arrested
- communists kicked out of parliament 1 week before elections so couldn’t campaign
what was the 1933 enabling act? (nazi consolidation of power)
it gave hitler the power to freely pass laws without consulting the reichstag
what was the concordat 1933? (consolidation of power)
treaty between nazis and catholic church agreed to not interfere with each other
what was the night of the long knives? (consolidation of power)
- hitler worried about opposition with nazi party, thought the SA could start a revolution against him
- SS assassinate SA leaders
what else happened during nazi consolidation of power?
- hitlers government replaced other members of coalition and senior servants with nazis
- political parties banned
- trade unions banned
who are the SS? (stick)
hitler personal bodyguards