Hitler and His Dominance against Germany Flashcards
What were the Most important point’s of Hitler’s 25 point plan?
The Abolusion of the TOV
Only true Germans allowed to live in Germany
Fuhur - the idea that there should be one person in charge rather than a democracy
Lebensraum - the need for living space for Germans so that the German nation can expand
What was the Munich Pustch?
Munich Pustch was when Hitler and Ludendorff hijacked a goverment meeting and Hitler announced that he was taking over the goverment of Barivia.
The Weimar Goverment forces hit back and the rebellion broke up in chaos. 16 Nazi’s died, Hitler and other Nazi leaders were arrested and charged with treason. This was the 8th November 1923.
Why was the Munich Putsch a Sucsess and Failiure?
Gained Attention and Suppourters
Wrote Mein Kampf while in jail and got more publicity
He was suppoused to serve 5 years, but it got moved down to 9 months
Plan to ovrthrow the goverment failed
16 Nazi’s killed
Who was in charge of the Nazi Propaganda?
Joeseph Goebbels
Who were the November Criminals?
The November Criminals - the German Politicianss who signed the TOV. They were used as a scapegoat for Germans. No political leder could do anything about the subject so they annointed Hitler.
What caused the German Depression?
In 1929, the American Stock Market crashed and sent the USA into a disastrous economic depression. Germany was also badly effected
American banks had lost a lot of money from this and asked Germany to repay the money they had borrowed.
The result was economic collapse in Germany. And Germany still had to oay the reperatiojns from the TOV.
Why did the Nazi’s sucseed in elections?
Nazi Campaigning - Hitler was a powerfull speaker and he brought his message to millions using films, radios and records. Nazi’s used various different types of propaganda using posters
Negative Cohesion - Cohesion means bringing together. The Nazi’s benifited from Nazi Cohesion. People followed the Nazi’s because they shared Nazi fears
The Communist Threat - “fear of communism” was another shared negative threat that Germans were scared of.
Decadence - nazi’s talked about restoring old fashoned values
The Resualt - Nazi suppourt rocketed
How did Hitler become Chancellor?
Hindenburg Appointed Hitler - Hindenburg had refused to appoint Hitler in the past but all of the other people that he had appointed had failed at their Job. No other leadr would be able to command sufficient support to govern
He won the election because he prommised the German People what they wanted (Jobs) (money)
He used the Economic Depression and downfall of the Weimar Goverment to his advantage
How did Hitler Consolidate his position?
Reichstag Fire - 27th Febuary 1933
Enableing Act - 24th March 1933
Army Oath - 2nd August 1934
Night of the Long Knives - 29th - 30th June 1934
What is the Reichshtag Fire?
Reichstag Fire - 27th Febuary 1933 - The Reichstag building Burnt down, the communists were blamed, this helped people dislike the communists and Hitler wiped out oppisition. Hitler was believed to be the one to burn it down so that he could wipe out oppisition
What is the Enabling Act?
The Enabeling Act - 24th March 1933 - this made Hitler a dictator, this meant Hitler could make any law to pass and anything he wanted
What is the Army Oath?
The Army Oath - 2nd August 1934 - Hindenburg died so Hitler took over as supreme leader. The entire army had to swear an oath of personal loyalty to him
What is the Night of the Long Knives?
Night of the Long Knives - 29th - 30th June 1934 - Hitler ordered the SS to purge the SA because they didn’t fully suppourt Hitler. Hitler showed of his power and forced people to suppourt him.
Why did the Wall Street Crash help Hitler?
The knock on effect of the wall street crash led to the German Depression. Germans were so down that they voted for Hitler because he was offering them money and Jobs.
What were the Nazi Aims?
A strong Germany
A Racially Pure Germany - Hitler believed in Aryan Supremecy and blmaed the Jews for many of Germany’s problems
A Peoples Community (volk) - Nazi’s wanted people to give hearts and minds to Hitler