History Test on August 24, 2017 Flashcards
Companies combined to limit competition.
The process by which a corporation acquires or merges with its competitors.
Horizontal Expansion
Large farms that covered thousands of acres and employed hundreds of wage laborers in the West in the late nineteenth century.
Bonanza Farms
A spiritual and political movement among Native Americans whose followers performed a ceremonial “ghost dance” intended to connect the living with the dead and make the Indians bulletproof in battles intended to restore their homelands.
Ghost Dance
Last incident of the Indian Wars; it took place in 1890 in the Dakota Territory.
Wounded Knee Massacre
Most famous battle of the Great Sioux War; took place i 1876 in the Montana Territory; combined Sioux and Cheyenne warriors massacred a vastly outnumbered U.S.
Battle of Little Bighorn
Law passed in 1887 meant to encourage adoption of white norms among Indians.
Dawes Acts
Concept of taxing only landowners as a remedy for poverty.
Single Tax
A series of demonstrations, some violent, held nationwide in support of striking railroad workers.
Great Railroad Strike
Theory of natural selection to society.
Social Darwinism
Importance of the Railroad during the SIR? (be able to give examples.)
The Railroad signified the second revolution.Many grants of lands and money by the federal and state governments, the number of miles of railroad track in the United States tripled between 1860 and 1880 and tripled again by 1920, it opened up many more areas to farm and creating a truly national market for manufactured goods. The railroads even reorganized time itself. In 1883, the major companies divided the nation into the four time zones still in use today.
Page 479
Thomas A. Edison along with innovation during the Gilded Age.
Edison helped to establish entirely new industries that transformed private life, public entertainment, and economic activity.Among Edison’s innovations were the phonograph, light bulb, motion picture, and a system for generating and distributing electric power. The spread of electricity was essential to industrial and urban growth, providing a more reliable and flexible source of power than water or steam. (Pg. 480)
What was the importance of the powerful figures like Rockefeller and Carnegie during this period od U.S. History?
Rockefeller was the founder of the standard oil company. He became world’s wealthiest man and he was a philanthropist. Carnegie also led to steel.(Searched what was the importance of Rockefeller)
Jacob Riis - How the other Half Lives.
It was a book that offered the shocking account of living conditions among the urban poor, complete with photographs of apartments in dark, airless, overcrowded tenement houses. Page 484
What stopped open range cattle farming? (2 key things) Is the Hollywood image the same as what truly went on in the western frontier?
- Open ranges were closed with barbed wire fences which made it difficult for cattle to graze the grasslands of the Great Plains. 2. Two terrible winters destroyed millions of cattle. When the industry recuperated, it was in large enclosed ranches close to railroads. The Hollywood image depicts romantic cowboys and the wild west. Nothing about their life was romantic and they were paid very little. Pg. 487
The importance of the Knights of Labor?
The 1st national union. They were the 1st group to organize unskilled and skilled workers, women alongside men, and blacks as well as knights. Page 506
In what ways did the West provide a “safety valve” for the problems in the industrial East? In what ways did it reveal some of the same problems?
The homestead act was believed to make free land available to the west. That relieved some of the pressure in the east.The enactment of a free land law, it was believed, would act as a safety valve. (Quizlet) chapter 16
What factors combined to make the United States a mature industrial society after the Civil War?
Factors included an abundance of natural resources, a growing supply of labor, an expanding marker for manufactured goods, and the availability of capital for investment. High tariffs were put in place to protect American industry from foreign competition. The army was also used to remove Indians from western lands desired by mining companies. 477
Describe how with the Gold Rush and expansion of the Railroad opened up the West for expansion and the positives and negatives that came along with the Western Expansion.
The west was seen as a place of opportunity. Many people flooded to the west when they heard of the gold rush happening there. The building of railroads used Mexican, Chinese, and African American workers to build it. The railroad also allowed supplies to be shipped to the west. Positives of westward expansion included new opportunities, more land, and a better condition of life. Negatives were the frequent fights with native Indians, and the politics soon became corrupt. Pg. 485
Describe the second industrial revolution along with the location of cities that blossomed because of this history
The country enjoyed abundant natural resources,a growing supply of labor,an expanding market, and the availabilty of capital for investment. Pittsburgh had become the world’s center of iron and steel manufacturing. Chicago became the nation’s second largest city.pg 477-8