History Test 3 Flashcards
Monastic Communities
Secular clergy: lived similar lives to the poor, gave sacraments to the peasants, more sincere; Regular clergy: lived very worldly lives, not sincere, never saw the lives of the poverty
Investiture Controversy
Nobles and kings trying to appoint the clergy, made Pope Gregory very upset; back and forth bickering between king and pope = ruined the reputation of the church
Thomas Aquinas; Scholastics were devoted to finding a logical, rational, and observable basis for Christianity; wanted reason and logic
Great Schism of 1054
Emergence of different traditions became irreconcilable
Considered westerners to be barbaric and felt Rome didn’t respect them
The Roman pope and the eastern patriarch both excommunicated each other; they declared the other religion theologically illegitimate = created two separate churches
Pope Urban II
during the crusades The Holy Roman Emperor gets nervous and sends a letter to Pope Urban II requesting a little bit of military support in face of Muslim infidels
Pope Urban II gets the letter and is so excited; framed this as a fight to reclaim the east and added that they should also take over Jerusalem (claiming the emperor asked him to do this) = the Pope calls the first crusade
Salah al-Din
united Syria and Jerusalem
charging interest on loans
Pope Gregory VII
Pope Gregory VII: was unhappy. He was the one that knew the will of God because he is the pope, so he should be the one appointing the clergy; wanted to put a stop to King Henry; the pope has an ace up his sleeve - “he decides” who goes or doesn’t go to heaven; he can excommunicate someone
Henry IV
The nobles look to King Henry IV to appoint the clergy
Stand off between Henry and Gregory: Henry and nobles decided they wouldn’t obey the pope, and calls for his resignation, so Gergory excommunicated him; Henry comes crawling back, Gregory forgives him
Thomas Aquinas
developed scholasticism
Avignon Papacy
The pope moved himself from Rome to Avignon in France. The elected Urban VI to be pope, but when he moved to Avignon, they decided that they only elected him under poor circumstances so it wasn’t an official election. They elected Clement VII and he became pope. Urban VI didn’t back down so now there are 2 popes. To fix this, they once again elect another pope and now there are 3. Finally the problem is fixed and the 3 popes back down and a new pope is elected in Rome. Causes corruption and greed. Emphasis on personal prayer
Little Ice Age
A period of freezing weather and poor agriculture
Bubonic Plague
General increase in homelessness; A ship with rats carrying the plague came into Europe; New strains of the sickness; separated families; wiped out 1/2 to 2/3 of European population
Danse Macabre
The dead, or a personification of death, summoning representatives from all walks of life to dance along to the grave, typically with a pope, emperor, king, child, and laborer
Hundred Years War
Series of mini wars; different people were claiming to be the legitimate king of France; Nobles worried about losing power; English become tired and war is getting expensive; French conquer normandy = England’s breaking point, they are done; both kingdoms create permanent armies; no taxation without asking permission
Joan d’Arc
She claimed to have heard the voice of God; Charles VII (the uncrowned king) has to be crowned king of france and the english have to be kicked out; she sneaks into the english court, dressed as a man and gains the support of charles; leads french attacks in the midst of a battle; was made co-commander of the army and leads a string of military victories; her victories create a path for charles to be crowned king; she was captured and sold to the english (charles doesn’t even try to help her), she was taken to the english court, charged with heresy, and was burned at the stake
War of the Roses
civil war in england after the hundred years war; the tudor dynasty emerges as the King and reinvigorates the english monarch.
The tudor kings used parliament as a safety vow (scapegoat); brought grievances to parliament: leads to a growth in power of parliament
rediscovery of old “superior” latin language; interested in greek culture/language
Cosimo d’Medici
richest man in Florence; interested in greek philosophy and Plato; hires Ficino to come live in his home and use his huge library; Ficino becomes ensconced in Plato’s writing;
Giovanni Boccaccio
wrote the Decameron; about 10 fictional people hold up in an estate outside of Florence, trying to escape the plague; the purpose of this story was purely for entertainment
first great humanist; gets his hand on some old roman text, and reads it (because he can speak Latin), and it blew his mind because of how different the Latin was; he made it his life’s work to revise this text because he thought the old Latin was superior
Goal is to purify the language; wanted to get back to the “purer” language
Vernacular Literature
everyday language; advocates realism
world’s leading expert on plato; finds Latin translations of Plato; translates original greek into vernacular Italian; still too much information for just him; Medici says “let’s make it a school for others who are interested to come work with you and help you”
Pico della Mirandola
friends with Ficino; vigorously defended christianity (backed by non-christian forces); Medici family stood up for him against the church who wasn’t the biggest fan of him; astrology; humans have capacity for free will and we chose greatness; everything humans have ever done was a conscious choice = dignity of humans/why we are so special