History Quiz Flashcards
What two men were in the election of 1960
Richard Nixon and JFK
What was Nixon like before the election
He was born into a middle class family in New Orleans. He became a rising force in California politics at an early age. He was elected to the U.S. Senate on the mindset of attacking communism. He was vice president for 8 years for Ike.
What was JFK like before the election
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, growing up in the most powerful family in Massachusetts. He was a very charismatic person and people were drawn to him, he was also a world war 2 hero. He became a senator from Massachusetts and by 1960 he was considered the brightest of the democratic stars.
what are some facts about the televison debates
Nixon refused to wear TV makeup because he believed it would make him less manly. He ended up getting a 5:00 clock shadow. Kennedy wore makeup and looked good and so people thought that he looked like a president.
Who won the election of 1960
What was the peace corps
It is a group of volunteers that willingly give up a couple years of their life to help underprivileged people around the world primarily to gain new skills like in farming, health care, and technology.
What did JFK do for civil rights
JFK was the first Democratic president to truly invest in civil rights for people of color
What did JFK say about NASA
JFK was totally in on the space program and predicted we would have a man on the moon by end of decade and he was right.
What are some facts about Cuba
It is 90 miles from the southern tip of florida. Some people say it resembles a mermaid or a crab. There are over 4,000 tiny islands around it.
What are some crops Cuba grows
Sugar cane, Cigar Tobacco, rice, Wheat, Fruit, Corn, almost everything that can be grown is grown in cuba.
What is the population of Cuba
12 million
What are the three main ethnic backrounds or groups for people in Cuba
Spain or Spanish, Africans, Native Americans
who was Bautista
He was a harsh military general who favored the rich people in the country and undervalued the poor people and almost everyone was poor.
Who was Fidel Castro
A man who was very interested in leading a revolution against the General and he was a skilled communicater with poor people. So, in 1959, he led a revolution that toppled the general and forced many people to flee to Florida.
What plan did Ike and his advisors come up with
They came up with a plan to train and arm there exiles to have a revolution in Cuba.
When Kennedy looked at this plan, he thought it could work because of what three things.
The cuban army wasn’t very good, He thought we could train our exiles into soldiers within two months, he believed that the cuban commoners would rise up and help retake the island.
What was the bay of pigs attack
It was an attack that we made and it made the Cubans hate us.
the attack was a diaster. The good thing that came out of it though was that JFK owned the whole experience as his fault.
what were the three levels of our space program in the 60’s
Mercury, Gemini, Apollo
Explain the first level: Mercury
This was the beginning stage of our attempts to put people into space. The program lasted from 1961 to 1963
What were the three main objectives of mercury
Could they launch successfully,Could they make a flight plan successfully, can they land
Explain the second level: Gemini
Gemini lasted from 1963 to 1966.
What were the two main objectives of Gemini
Having two astronauts go into space at the same time, and branching out to do more specific objectives.
Explain the third level: Apollo
The main goal of the Apollo part of NASA was getting someone on the moon by the end of the decade, which was the 60’s. But, the apollo missions started terribly with a big tragedy in January of 1967.
where did we have nuclear missiles during the bay of pigs attacks and where did we point them.
We had them in Turkey and we pointed them at the U.S.S.R
where did the U.S.S.R place missiles and where were they pointed at
They placed them in Cuba and they were pointed at us
what happened thirteen days after we found out that Cuba had bombs aimed at us
The U.S.S.R agreed to take their missiles out of Cuba if we took our bombs out of Turkey. This was the closests we had ever been to nuclear war.
Where are the beatles from
Liverpool, England
Who are the four men that are part of the beatles
Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo
When did the beatles become well known in the U.S
in mid 1963 when they came to the U.S and appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show
how long were the beatles together
5 years
What were the different genres of music that the beatles had
classical, pop, country, soul, jazz, indian
What topics did the beatles songs address
poverty, race, war, marriage, drugs, government, mental health, and they still included songs about love
What are some noteworthy songs of the beatles. (You don’t have to know all of these just one or two.)
Here comes the sun, let it be, yesterday, back in the
ussr, get back, I want to hold your hand, revolution, hey jude, something, why my guitar gently reaps, she came in through the bathroom window, and blackbird.
Where were there a bunch of protests during 1965 and why
There were a lot of protests on college campuses because it was a ripe place for protest because that is where a lot of soldiers were coming from.
What was the name of the racist governor in Alabama
George Wallace
What did George Wallace do to black people
He put as many boundarries on black people as he could. He would talk really bad to them.
Why were black people kept from voting in Alabama
many reasons but the main one was intimidation
what did MLK do in the midle of 1965
He lead a march from Selma to Montgomery in order to protest at the capital about voting rights.
What bridge did the people that walked with MLK from selma to montgonery cross
The Edmond Pettus Bridge
What was waiting on the other side of the bridge when the people were walking with MLK
Cops. The started attacking all the people by beating them with nightsticks, hosing them with high power firehoses, and the police released there dogs on them.
When a national news crew filmed the attack on the people walking the bridge who saw it and what did he do about it.
President Johnson saw it and when he saw it he was angry. He immediatly picked up his phone and called Govener Wallace.
What did president johnson say to wallace
“George, those people are going to march again, and when they do, not one of them is going to be touched or injured because if they are, I am immediately putting you in prison for violating civil rights.”
What happened shortly after president Johnson talked to Wallace
The next march happened and nobody was hurt and president johnson signed a law that the Congress passed protecting voting rights for people of color.
Who won the election of 1964
Lyndon B. Johnson
What is counter culture
a culture with values and customs that are very different from and usually opposed to those accepted by most of society.
What counter culture was there in the 50’s
The Beatnik’s and they typically just sat around, made poetry, and drank coffee.
What counter culture was there in the 60’s
Hippies. They weren’t connected with war, they didn’t chase after money, and they didn’t have traditional lifestyles.
Where did the hippies group start
in the west coast
What is Tet
Tet is a holiday celebrated in vietnam and it is somewhat like our new year.
What did North and South vietnam do on tet suring the war
They would cease fire and take the day to celebrate the holiday and there would be no fighting on this day
What did north vietnam do on tet in 1968
they suprised attacked the south even though they made an agreement to not fight or fire on tet
What was america thinking during 1968 about the vietnam war
That we were losing the war and a large part of our population went over to the other side of thinking we should get out of it.
What did LBJ annouce at the end of his speech on March 1st, 1968
that he would not run for reelection and the american people were stunned
When LBJ announced that he wasn’t going to run for reelection who did the democratic party have ready as there next candidate.
JFK’s little brother, Robert Kennedy
What were three reallly important things that happened during the vietnam war
My Lai, Kent State, and Tet
What day was MLK assassinated
April 4th, 1968
What was MLK jr. doing when he was assassinated
He was helping lead a mrach for underpaid garbage workers
Who killed MLK
A white man named James Earl Ray
How did people of color repsond to MLK’s death
They rioted because they felt helpless that chabge would happen in anyother way but violence.
When was RFK assassinated
On June 4th 1968
what was RFK doing when he was assassinated
He had just won the california primary and he was leaving the builing and then he was killed.
Who killed RFK
By a man named Sirhan Sirhan Jr.
what was happening in chicago in 1968
Chicago turned into a war zone for four days as demonstrators clashed with the police. There were many arrests and beatings but no deaths.
Who won the election of 1968
Richard Nixon
What were the three miracles of 1969
The moon landing, the mets, woodstock
What day did we land on the moon
July 20th 1969
who was the first man on the moon and what did he say
The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong and he said “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Why did we have a music festival in 1969
Because 1969 had been a much better year than 1968 and the U.S. wanted a reason to celebrate
Where was the musicfestival of 1969
It was in upstate New York at a place called Woodstock on a farm.
What went wrong with the music festival
Everything that could have gone wrong. Which included: there weren’t enough places to park, there were no places to sleep, not enough bathrooms, not enough water, it rained for two of the days, there was a lot of drug use, and some of the main acts didn’t show up.
What does Mr. hawley believe was the greatest moment of the festival
When an unknown singer named Richia Havens opened the show and then continued for two more hours because the next act got stuck in traffic.
How many games did the mets lose and how many did they win in 1962
They won forty and lost 102 games
What happened to My lai
it was totally wiped out by american soldiers who had been told that it was a hiding place for north vietnamese soldiers
What happened right after my lai
We had discovered that some of our soldiers had murdered over fuve hundred old people, women, children, and babies and we didn’t discover that until a year and a half later because the soldiers covered it up.
When Nixon ran for president what did he promise
that we were going to look for ways to get out of the Vietnam war but as it turns out he really wasn’t interested in that but was interested in figuring out a way that the U.S. could actually win the war.
There had been protests for 7 years during the vietnam war and no one had ever died except for…
on may 4th when there was a protest on the campus of Kent State which is in Ohio. It was ugly from the beginning as students through rocks and other projectiles on the soldiers who were not allowed to fire back.
Unfortunately somebody in the crowd yelled fire and the soldiers did and it killed four students.
When Nixon became president he wanted to get a good relationship with china so what did he do..?
In late 1971 he announced to the country that he and his wife and an entourage would be going to China in February of 1972 and it was going to be called the ping pong diplomacy.
This trip was a huge success because it allowed us to begin to thaw our relationship.