History of (Western) and (SA) psychology Flashcards
•The first force –Structuralism –Behaviourism –Cognitive psychology •The second force –The unconscious •The third force –The experience of being human •The fourth force –Transpersonal psychology
psychology & structuralism
Wilhelm Wundt
the purpose of the first experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany in 1879
To study conscious experience
Wilhelm Wundt
•Credited with making psychology an independent science, separate from philosophy
•Wundt’s original training was in medicine, but he became deeply interested in psychology
•He brought the scientific methods of physiology to bear on philosophical questions and established the first experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany in 1879
•Wundt believed that the mind could be studied by breaking it down into its basic components and modeled the study of the mind after the natural sciences•He systematically observed and measured how various stimuli combine to make up personal experiences (Such as sensations, images, and feelings)
•Did so through introspection (i.e. examining and reporting ones thoughts, feelings, etc.)
•Wundt’s ideas taken to the US by Titchener and renamed Structuralism:
–School of thought concerned with analysing sensations and personal experience into basic elements
–Focuses on the structures or basic elements underlying conscious experience of environment
–Looking inward, careful, systematic observations of one’s own conscious experience
•Focus on sensation and perception
John Watson & B. F. Skinner
John Watson
•Founder of radical behaviourism
•Defined psychology as the scientific study of behaviour
•A school of thought that emphasises environmental control of behaviour through learning
–Studied relationship between stimuli and responses
•Little Albert
•Behaviourism is rooted in the philosophical school of British empiricism which held that all ideas and knowledge is gained through the senses
–Early empiricist John Locke believed that at birth the human mind is a blank slate upon which experience is written
•Radical reorientation of psychology as a science of observable behaviour
–Study of consciousness abandoned
B. F. Skinner
- Believed actions controlled by rewards and punishments
* Skinner box
Cognitive Psychology
•While behaviourism disregarded study of the mind, cognitive psychologists attempting to understand the mind
•Believed that behaviour can be understood in terms of the mental processing of information
–The brain processes, stores, and retrieves information
Cognitive Psychology theorists
- 1950’s and 60’s –Piaget, Chomsky, and Simon
- Application of scientific methods to studying internal mental events
- Aaron Beck-cognitive model for the treatment of depression
The Unconscious
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
•Founded the psychoanalytic school of thought
•Among the first to note that childhood affects adult personality
•Emphasis on unconscious processes within one’s personality (such as wishes, thoughts, and desires, especially sex and aggression) as influencing behaviour
–Unconscious = Outside awareness
•Conflict between biological instinct and societal demands
–Clinical case study rather than experimental evidence (the case of Anna O)
•The grounding for psychotherapy
•Freud opposed laboratory research on psychoanalytic theory believing that his clinical observations were more valid
freud’s data collection and research method
•Freud consulted with patients who experienced physical symptoms such as blindness, pain, or paralysis without any apparent bodily cause
•Also treated many patients with intense, irrational fears (phobias)
•Reasoned that the cause of these symptoms was psychological of an unconscious origin
•At first he used hypnosis and later free association and discovered that many patient eventually described painful and “long forgotten” childhood experiences, often of a sexual nature
–He became convinced that people are profoundly influenced by unconscious force
•That is, thoughts, memories, and desires that are outside conscious awareness
Experience of Being Human
Many people had a hard time believing that people are not masters of their own fate and found that both the first and second forces were de-humanising •Humanism –Led by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers •Emphasis on the unique qualities of humans •Focus on: –Human problems and potentials –Freedom –Personal growth
Karl Bühler
–The study of depth and dignity of human life
–Rejected the cold mechanistic sciences and the viewpoint that psychology focuses only on severe personal problems
–Existentialism (The full extent of being human)
•Joy, despair, love, freedom, and choice