History of the Roman Republic (Roman Empires I powerpoint) Flashcards
Historian; Greek political captive that wrote about Rome and its conquest of the known world
Historian; Talked about glories of Rome, also the political conflict of commoners and aristocracy
Historian; Talked about heroism of Roman conquers along with the feelings of the conquered
An ancient roman city destroyed by a volcanic eruption, important because it is the only preserved roman city from that time, thanks to the volcanic ash. It gave us an insight into what life was like, with buildings, art, and molds of people’s last moments preserved in time
Romulus and Remus
Characters in a Roman myth where two brothers, Romulus and Remus are raised (suckled) by a female wolf. The legend goes that after the two brothers were abandoned at birth and raised by wolves they would eventually found the city of Rome. But In the end, Romulus kills Remus. Rome is named after Romulus.
Civilization to the north of Rome. the Etruscan kings that ruled rome for a bit, and from that, the Romans inherited a lot of their cultural and artistic traditions. They were wealthy traders and skilled metal workers
Struggle of the Orders
REBELLION: Trying to gain equality in a lawful way
Patricians vs Plebians.
General Strike (494 B.C.E.)
Concilium Plebis (471 B.C.E.)
Twelve Tables (451 B.C.E.)
Allowed intermarrage (445 B.C.E.)
First Plebeian Consul (360 B.C.E.)
General Strike
The Plebs make up most of the army so they refuse to fight to prove their point, forcing the Partricians to finally listen, and pass laws.
Concilium Plebis
The Plebis get their own counsel to pass laws on fellow Plebis. Plebian Laws did not apply to patricians.
Twelve Tables
Plebs finally create 12 bronze tablets with the Patrician’s laws engraved. The Plebis use this to learn the rules, stop being framed for crimes, and win in court.
Intermarriage Between Classes
The plebs got a law passed that allowed intermarriage between plebians & pratrcicans. (allows social mobility)
The First Plebian Counsul
The first Plebis to be on the council with the Pratricians. They were able to get a law passed stating that laws made by plebs must also followed by Patricians.
Lower class. Overwhelming majority.
Upper class. Wealthy and powerful.
Romans expelled Etruscan kings, and established an oligarchy in 509BCE. Name is from Latin “res publica” meaning public property because the people ruled, not kings.
Comitia Centuriata
Originally formed of Patricians. Decide policy, and elect chief magistrates.
Consuls/ Chief Magistrates
2 people of equal rank that ran the state, led the army into battle when needed, and supervised finances. Served one year terms. Elected by the Commitia Centuriata.
There were 4, who acted in consul’s place when they were at battle, in charge of justice.
Plebeian officer elected by plebeians charged with protecting plebeians lives and property
Two junior officials elected annually, financial officials (treasurers), minimum age of 25
Supervised morals and registered citizens
Supervised streets and markets, presided over public festivals
Select group of 300, served for life. Advisory to consul, but eventually advice forced laws. Usually retired consuls and patricians
Mare Nostrum
Means “Our Sea,” Rome’s name for the Mediterranean
Is the home or main place of the Phoenicians and was attacked by Scipio Africanus
The target of the punics, was the main place of the first punic war
Roman Citizenship
Did not have to be born in Rome to become a citizen. no property tax and protected from aritraries arrest
The people of Carthage and are the Latin term for the Phoenicians
Punic Wars
The wars that was Fought between the Punics and the Romans
First Punic War
Was a war fought over the island of Sicily between the Punics and Rome (264 - 241 B.C.E.) at the time, Rome had no navy and only built a navy after studying a Punic ship
Second Punic War
When the Punics came from Spain over the Alps mountains to march on Rome led by Hannibal. Rome lost 40,000 in retaliation. general Scipio Africanus attacks Carthage (218 – 202 B.C.E.)
The general that leads the march on Rome with 50,000 men in 15 day
Scipio Africanus
The Roman general that attacked Carthage
Third Punic War
Carthage was completely destroyed by Rome and Punics where destroyed 149-146 B.C.E.
Roman Conquest
Moved to the west and took Gual( modern-day France and Germany) and spin. Moved east and freed the Greeks from the Macedonians. They took isreal and Judea along with Egypt
Julius Cesar
Ruled as a dictator of Rome. extended citizenship to
provincials and sent 80,000 poor &
unemployed veterans to found 20 colonies along with instituting the Julian calendar.
Citizens are more then subjects
Augustus Cesar
Grandnephew of Julius Cesar, imperator( first emperor), princeps, pontifex maximus, peace & trade, conservative policies
How did Geography influence the development of Rome(city and empire)
The capital of Rome was placed in the middle of everything. Geography supported the conquest of the west and then moved east.
Meaning “Middle of the earth” becasue it was so central. also known as Mare Nostrum
Adriatic Sea
Sea to the East of Rome
Apeninne Mountains
Mountain range reaching from North to South of Italy that cut off easy access to the Adriatic. Therefore, when conquring, the Romans started in the West.
Tiber River
Steady source of water, there is a great crossing point in Rome that makes trade easy
Large farmland to the south of Rome. Latin (Roman language) is named after this place.