Book of treatment that describes the 3 stages of hookworm infection
Ebers Papyrus
The 4 humors
Black bile
Yellow bile
The Father of Medicine
Inventor of stethoscope
Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
What is the wheel diagram in water casting?
Color of urine correspond to a particular disease
Introduced the MT profession
Ruth Williams
They detect diabetes using ants
Hindu Doctors
Performed the first public dissection of human cadaver
Mondilin de Luzi
First woman to practice anatomy and pathology
Alessandra Gillani
He invented handwashing
Ignaz Semmelweis
Father of Microbiology
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Old term for bacteria
Magnification of the microscope invented by Leeuwenhoek
Greatest of early microscopist
Marcelo Malphigi
Founder of Pathology
Marcelo Malphigi
Father of Modern Pathology
Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow
Founded the archives of Pathology in Berlin
Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow
Works on the Cell Theory
Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow
Quantitative test for the presence of reducing sugar in urine
Fehling’s test
Invented Fehling’s test
Hermann Von Fehling
1st dye that was used to stain bacteria
Aniline dyes
Acid fast staining
Acid alcohol or Iodine
Carbol fuchsin
Methylene blue
Worked on the process of collecting evidence (History Taking)
Dr. William Ocam
The 1st Chemistry Laboratory
University of Michigan
Pioneered the 1st chemical laboratory instruction in 1884
Dr. Silas Douglas
Established another laboratory at Bellevue Medical College
Dr. William Henry Welch
1st professor in Pathology at John Hopkins University
Dr. William Henry Welch
Laboratory methods in the practice of Medicine
Laboratory animals for experimentation
Sir John Scott Burden-Sanderson
1st Clinical Laboratory
John Hopkins Hospital
1st Pathologist in John Hopkins Hospital
Dr. Simon Flexner
Worked on the publication of Laboratory Guide Manual
Dr. James C. Todd
One of the first school to train Medical Laboratory worker
University of Minnesota