1. History of the Practice of Medical Technology in the Ancient Times in the US Flashcards
Made a scientific observation ( the diabetic urine attracted ants therefore, it has a sweetish taste)
Hindu physicians
Reported that Urinalysis was very common during the Medieval Period
Ruth Williams
Traced the beginning of the medical technology
Vivian Henrick
intestinal parasites that were identified during 1500 BC
Taenia and Ascaris
The book of treatment that contains the three stages of hookworms
Ebers Papyrus
Oldest laboratory procedure
3 P in Diabetes
Father of Medicine
Introduced the theory of four humors
The four humors
Yellow Bile
Black Bile
Theory stating that when body fluids are not balanced, disease will result
Theory of four humors
Created the code of ethics of the Physicians
Code of ethics of the Physicians
Hippocratic Oath
Founder of modern pathology and pathophysiology as a greatest contribution in embryology and anatomy
Marcelo Malphigi
He correlated diseases to specific gross and microscopic diseases
Marcelo Malphigi
Father of Microbiology
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Invented and improved the compound microscope
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
He was the first one to describe red blood cells, to see protozoa, and to classify the bacteria according to the shape.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Father of Cellular Pathology
Rudolph Virchow
He is also the founder of Archives Pathology in Berlin
Rudolph Virchow
He introduced the cellular basis of diseases
Rudolph Virchow
Performed the first quantitative test for urine sugar
Herman Von Fehling
Established another laboratory at the Believue Hospital Medical College (New York)
Dr. William H. Welch
He gave the 1st Laboratory course in pathology offered in American Medical School
Dr. William H. Welch
1st professor of pathology in the year 1885 at John Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland)
Dr. William H. Welch
Opened the 1st clinical laboratory in the year 1896 at the John Hopkins University
Dr. William Osler
Wrote the “A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis”
Dr. James C. Todd
“A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis” was renamed to
Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods
The course bulletin entitled “Courses in Medical Technology for Clinical and Laboratory Technicians” was issued in
American Society for Clinical Pathology was founded in year:
The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (formerly the American Society for Medical Technology) was formed
The American Board of Pathology was organized
The American Medical Technologists was formed