history of sport Flashcards
what is the 2 tier society
the peasants and the gentlemen
what sports did the peasants do
took part in recreational activities at annual festivals, fairs and church related feats
what sports did the gentleman take part in
needed to be both sporting and cultural in in gentry circles. their sporting activities included; hunting, real tennis, and dancing
what sports became popular for spectators and the beginning of commercialisation
cricket and barefist fighting
what are the characteristics of popular recreation sports and why
occasional- didn’t have the time
simple, unwritten rules- cant read
physical force not skill- no practice
violent- sport reflects society
lower class- peasants
local- no transport
limited structure, equipment- no money
why is it that these were the characteristics of the sports
sport reflects society
what are the stages public school development
stage 1- boy culture, bullying, brutality
stage 2- Dr Arnold, social control
stage 3- athleticism, spread of team games
why was stage 1 so brutal
french and american revolutions behaviour was copied by school boys
absence of police force meant unrest was controlled by army and school boys were in control of themselves
what were the characteristics of public school that caused violence
boarding allowed more time for recreation
they brought toys from a variety of regions and therefore regionalised games
harsh treatment and living conditions prepared boys for rigorous competitions and future life
how did dr thomas arnold help develop stage 2
he was obsessed by immortality and sinfulness of boys and was determined to reform them and their school lives
he wanted a atmosphere of chritisan love and to preach good moral behaviour
what activities did the students take part in before Dr Arnold
distil liquor
how did the house system help the boys
became a focus of the boys personal social and recreational and sporting existence.
it kept the boys out of trouble and they could focus their energy onto it
what is athleticism
the combination of physical endeavour and moral integrity
what was dr thomas arnold
a muscular christian( he believed that sport could promote positive values
what did the games develop and introduce
inter-house games
why was development much slower in girls public school
traditional role of women
wearing slightly revealing clothes for physical exercise
not considered necessary to give girls same opportunities
medical concerns
what happened to the boys after school
they went to university (loads of different rules came together)
when did the FA get set up
1863 (representatives of various teams came together in pub to discuss)
what happened in the early FA
banned working class from participating to maintain control
amateur didn’t like being beaten by professional from lower class
prevent mixing of classes
may lead to corruption
what is the development of rugby football
1863 FA formed- rugby school rules
hacking (tackling below the knee) was going to be banned so Blackheath walked out
outlaw running with ball until Blackheath walked out so got rid of it in the end apart from goalies and throw ins
how did public school increase the spread of sports
agriculture revolution
steam powered machines and factories (transport links)
sports became more civilised
how did the industrialisation increase urbanisation
15% in towns in 1750
50% in towns in 1850
85% in towns in 1900
what were the negative effects on sport due to industrialisation
- very long days (72 hours)
- less holidays (4 bank holidays)
- RSPCA (led to some sports disappearing)
- police
-space - enclosure act (protected green space)
- lack of income
- lack of public provision
what were the positive effects on sport due to industrialisation
- equipment could be built
- transport allowed fixtures to be played further afield
- trains took people to sea (spectators)
- able to read and write
- towns built on river allowed aquatic sports
- printing press so newspapers could cover the games
- factory teams
- saturday half day act
- building of proper parks/bath houses= proper hygiene
- more disposable income
examples of factory teams
arsenal were called woolsmith arsenal a aourmary shop
westham were a hammer shop
what is a philanthrophist
a person who helps the poor using their money
what did richard and george cadbury do
they built a new village for all their factory workers to live in so they didnt have to live in the poor conditions
sports facilities were built and swimming pools where every young boy and girl was encoraged to vbecome a good swimmer
what were the conditions like that the factory workers lived in like
slum housing
poor ventilation
limited daylight
lack of washing facilities
polluted atmosphere
what is amateurism
manliness, striving, physical endeavour
following rules
moral integrity
who started playing the organised sport (amateurism)
started with public school boys
then the working classes through factory teams (arsenal)
working class turned professionals because they needed time off to train
but the upper class put in bans to stop the working class from taking part in sport
it was all about fair play and not winning
who were original amateaurs
public school boys
who were the original professionals
working class
why were the working class considered professional
played games locally and needed time off work so got payed top play
where did professionals come from
where did amateurs come from
who were the amateurs and what did they believe in
- play for love of the game, fair play and sportsmanship
- were the organisers of sport
- ban those in undesirable occupations
- high social status
-separate leagues to keep working class out - came from south
- origianlly best players
who were professionals and where did they come from
-working class who needed to be paid
-low status in society and sport
-professionalism became more accepted in northern citites (where there was more industrialisation)
-cricket played by both but upper class to batting the easier roles whereas lower class took harder roles of bowling