History Of Pharmacy Flashcards
- Ensures the implementation of good manufacturing practices
- Controls the quality of medicines to ensure their quality and safety
- Revamps drug manufacturing processes to lower costs of medicines in the market
Manufacturing Pharmacist
What is the other term for Manufacturing Pharmacists?
- Plays a pivotal role in educating future generations of pharmacists
- Engaging in research activities
Academic Pharmacist
What is the other term for Academic Pharmacist?
Drug Discoverer
What is the other term for Research Pharmacist?
Clinical Researcher
- Finds new cures for untreated illnesses or medicines w/ fever side effects for the benefit of the patient
- Plays various roles from designing or implementing protocols to conducting of trials, to study or compare effectiveness and safety of new medicines before its launch into markets
- New drug information
Research Pharmacist
- Manages minor ailments (cough, cold, gastric discomfort and fungal infections)
- Provides smoking cessation counselling and weight management services
- Advises on your supplements and vitamins
- Fills your prescriptions
- Outpatients and counselling
Community Pharmacist
Other term for Community Pharmacist is ___________
Partner in Health Care
- Provides professional advice on best choice of medicines for each patient
- They also do compounding
- Fills prescriptions
- Conducts specialised clinics to manage blood pressure, diabetes, and anticoagulation
- Formulates policies and tx guidelines within hospitals
- Manage inventories to ensure continuous supply of safe and high quality medicines
Hospital Pharmacist
- Introduces and educates health care providers on new treatment options
- Acts as an important channel of distribution from pharmaceutical companies to the end-users
- Medrep
Marketing Pharmacist
Other term for Marketing Pharmacist is __________
Medication Distributor
A. Learn from instinct
B. Disease is caused by the entrance of evil spirit/demons
- Use of mud, dirt, and leaves was the first soothing application
- Relieve pain by bathing wound in cold water
- Trial and error
Learn from instinct
First soothing applications
Mud, leaves, and dirt
Relieves pain by bathing the wound
Cold water
- Ridding the body of supernatural intruders (especially seizures)
- Using incantation
- Administration of specific herbs and plant materials
Disease is caused by the entrance of evil spirits/demons
What is the first apothecary?
Tribe apothecary
- To be feared, respected, worshipped and revered
- Very powerful
- HIGHLIGHT: knowledge of drug and its application
- Alchemists and witch doctors
Tribe apothecary
Failures of tribe apothecary
A. Impotent
B. Inappropriate medication
- under dosage
- overdosage
C. Poisoning
Successes of tribe apothecary due to
A. Experience
B. Coincidence
C. Natural healing
D. Inconsequential/placebo effect
- List of historical/early medicine
- 60 ft long & a foot wide
- 16th Century BC
- Leipzig University
- Discovered by George Ebers
- 800 formulas/prescription & more than 700 drugs
- Drug of botanical, animal, & mineral source
- Vehicles used were wine, beer, & honey
- Mortar & pestle, hand milld, sieves, and balances
Ebers papyrus
- Scientific medicine & pharmacy
- Hippocratic Oath of Ethical Behavioral for the healing profession
- Father of Medicine
- Purifying remedy for good only
- Hippocrates
- Pharmakon
- Greek physician and botanist
- His work is De Materia Medica
- Development of pharmaceutical botany
- Dioscorides
- Pharmacognosy
- Inventor of cold cream
- Formulatrd doctrines
- Ointments
- Mixing & melting individual ingredients
- Galenicals
Claudius Galen
What is the other term for cokd cream?
Galen’s cerate
Separated pharmacy from medicine
Emperor Frederick II
What is Paracelsus’ full name?
Aureolus Theoprastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim
- Swiss physician and chemist
- Botanical science to chemical science
Aureolus Theoprastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim
Early Researchers
- Karl Willhelm Scheele
- Friedrich Willhelm Serturner
- Pierre Joseph Pelletier
- Pierre Robiquet
- Joseph Caventou
Who isolated morphine from opium?
Friedrich Willhelm Serturner
What is the active ingredient of opium?
- Discovered lactic acid, citric acud, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, and arsenic acid
- Discovered Oxygen a year before priestly
Karl Willhelm Scheele
Isolated quinine and cinchonine from cinchona and strychnine and brucine from nux vomica
Joseph Caventou and Pierre Joseph Pelletier
Separated codeine from opium
Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Pierre Robiquet
- What is the analog of morphine?
- What is its pharmacological effect?
- Codeine
- Cough suppressant
What is the United States’ first school of Pharmacy?
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy