History Of Pharmacy Flashcards
- Ensures the implementation of good manufacturing practices
- Controls the quality of medicines to ensure their quality and safety
- Revamps drug manufacturing processes to lower costs of medicines in the market
Manufacturing Pharmacist
What is the other term for Manufacturing Pharmacists?
- Plays a pivotal role in educating future generations of pharmacists
- Engaging in research activities
Academic Pharmacist
What is the other term for Academic Pharmacist?
Drug Discoverer
What is the other term for Research Pharmacist?
Clinical Researcher
- Finds new cures for untreated illnesses or medicines w/ fever side effects for the benefit of the patient
- Plays various roles from designing or implementing protocols to conducting of trials, to study or compare effectiveness and safety of new medicines before its launch into markets
- New drug information
Research Pharmacist
- Manages minor ailments (cough, cold, gastric discomfort and fungal infections)
- Provides smoking cessation counselling and weight management services
- Advises on your supplements and vitamins
- Fills your prescriptions
- Outpatients and counselling
Community Pharmacist
Other term for Community Pharmacist is ___________
Partner in Health Care
- Provides professional advice on best choice of medicines for each patient
- They also do compounding
- Fills prescriptions
- Conducts specialised clinics to manage blood pressure, diabetes, and anticoagulation
- Formulates policies and tx guidelines within hospitals
- Manage inventories to ensure continuous supply of safe and high quality medicines
Hospital Pharmacist
- Introduces and educates health care providers on new treatment options
- Acts as an important channel of distribution from pharmaceutical companies to the end-users
- Medrep
Marketing Pharmacist
Other term for Marketing Pharmacist is __________
Medication Distributor
A. Learn from instinct
B. Disease is caused by the entrance of evil spirit/demons
- Use of mud, dirt, and leaves was the first soothing application
- Relieve pain by bathing wound in cold water
- Trial and error
Learn from instinct
First soothing applications
Mud, leaves, and dirt
Relieves pain by bathing the wound
Cold water
- Ridding the body of supernatural intruders (especially seizures)
- Using incantation
- Administration of specific herbs and plant materials
Disease is caused by the entrance of evil spirits/demons
What is the first apothecary?
Tribe apothecary
- To be feared, respected, worshipped and revered
- Very powerful
- HIGHLIGHT: knowledge of drug and its application
- Alchemists and witch doctors
Tribe apothecary
Failures of tribe apothecary
A. Impotent
B. Inappropriate medication
- under dosage
- overdosage
C. Poisoning
Successes of tribe apothecary due to
A. Experience
B. Coincidence
C. Natural healing
D. Inconsequential/placebo effect
- List of historical/early medicine
- 60 ft long & a foot wide
- 16th Century BC
- Leipzig University
- Discovered by George Ebers
- 800 formulas/prescription & more than 700 drugs
- Drug of botanical, animal, & mineral source
- Vehicles used were wine, beer, & honey
- Mortar & pestle, hand milld, sieves, and balances
Ebers papyrus
- Scientific medicine & pharmacy
- Hippocratic Oath of Ethical Behavioral for the healing profession
- Father of Medicine
- Purifying remedy for good only
- Hippocrates
- Pharmakon
- Greek physician and botanist
- His work is De Materia Medica
- Development of pharmaceutical botany
- Dioscorides
- Pharmacognosy
- Inventor of cold cream
- Formulatrd doctrines
- Ointments
- Mixing & melting individual ingredients
- Galenicals
Claudius Galen