History Of Health Care Flashcards
Invented the polio vaccine
Jonas Salk
Came up with the smallpox vaccine
Edward Jenner
First mammal cloned
Dolly the Sheep
Isolated radium later used to treat cancer
Marie Curie
Developed public hygiene
Responsible for the invention of antiseptic
Joseph Lister
Reformed the nursing profession
Clara Barton
Discovered x rays
William Roentgen
What does the “x” in X-ray mean?
Came from foxglove to treat fast heart rate
Came from bark of tree to treat malaria
Came from opium poppy to treat severe pain
Belief that illnesses were caused by demons and spirits
Egyptian time period
Small pox and bubonic plague were terrible epidemics
Dark ages
Immunizations, antibiotics, and transplants become common
1945 to 1975
Discovered by doing research on mummies
Kidney Stones
Purpose of agency of accreditation is to ______
Make sure doctors and other health professionals are truly certified and eligible to practice medicine
Agency that oversees the nation’s health care