History Of Chistianity In Britain Flashcards
Who was St Alban?
St Alban was a soldier in the Roman Army, who didn’t know about Christianity and hid a catholic priest in his house. The priest told Alban about God and Alban now understood his religion and became Christian. When Roman soldiers came to arrest the priest, he told the, he was the priest and was put to death after saying he loves and worships Jesus. When people say Alban’s faith and sacrifice, many converted to Christianity and the place where he was killed became a shrine.
What was the Great Schism?
The Great Schism was the beginning of the seperation of the church- the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. The arguement was about the fact that the Catholic church believed that the authority of the Pope should not be questioned as he is a successor of St Peter however the Orthodox church believed that the Pope should not have full authority to determine Christian beliefs. The arguement was also about the parts of the Holy Trinity. Michael Cerularius, head of the Orthodox Church in Constantinople, accused the Roman Catholic Church of holding false beliefs. There could be no more serious charge. Pope Leo X denied that his Church was in error and condemned the Orthodox Church in return. The Pope then died. In the same year Cardinal Humbert of France excommunicated the entire Orthodox Church! Constantinople then claimed the pope had no authority over theorthodox church and claimed total indipendence from the Roman Catholic Church.
Christian denominations:
- Catholic church: Largest and oldest denomination. Pope is the head and the bible is seen as the word of god
- Orthodox Church: Head is the Patriarch of Constantinople and has no real authority other than his church and uses icons
- Church of England: Protestant Church, head is archbishop of Cantebury, founded by King Henry 8 and authority comes form the Bible
- Quaker Christians: Protestant Church, No priests or leaders, worship in simole rooms rather than churches, bible is not the word of god, just inspirational
- Baptist Church: Protestant Church, Bible is only source of authority, no hierarchy, only baotise older children and adults, Fifth largest Christian church on earth.
What are Cathedrals?
They are the churches of the Bishops’, who lead a diosese of churches. They are often much larger and magnificent and are used for soecial services and important national occasions. Each Cathedral has a large chair whihc is the chair of the bishop and he sits on it when conducting a service. The seat is behind the altar.
What are the most important objects inside a Catgolic Church?
- Altar: Because it represents the presence of Jesus Christ during a service in the church and is a memorial of the places God meets us
- Crusifix: Symbol of Christianity and reminds Catholics of Jesus’ suffering and death to save us from orginal sin
- Font: Welcomes a new member of the Catholic community to worship Jesus Christ and soread his teachings. It also represents the spreading of Christ’s teachings through expanding the Catholic church through baptism.
- Thurnible: the smoke rising symbolizes the prayers of those in the services rising to heaven. It also creates a holy atmosphere throughout the church and is used in some of the key moments during the Eucharistic prayers.
What is the Liturgical Year?
The liturgical year is the Christian year and starts on the first sunday of advent and end on the feast of Chrust the King. There are 4 main colours that the priest will wear during a service: PURPLE (Advent or Lent) – this is a time of preparation, GOLD or Yellow or White (Christmas and Easter) – this is a time of celebration, RED (Triduum-Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday) – this is a time of the Holy Spirit OR to remember the death of a Martyr or Saint, GREEN– this is the normal colour – the colour of Ordinary Time.
What are the stages of the Catholic Mass(1-8)?
- Greeting:The congregation are welcomed
- Penitential Rite: People say sorry for their sins and have them forgiven
- Liturgy of the Word: Readings from:The Old Testament, New Testament, Gospel, Homily, Creed, Bidding prayers
- Offertory: Gifts of bread and wine are brought to the altar
- Eucharistic Prayer: The bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus
- Sign of Peace: A gesture of goodwill to each other
- Communion: The body and blood of Christ is received
- Blessing and Dismissal: The people are sent out to spread the good news
What are the names of the 2 main splits in the Christian Church?
- The Great Schism
- The Protestant Reformation