History- nazi germany Flashcards
what happened in 1918 for the Weimar government?
Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates the throne due to opposition from ww2
what happened on the 25th of October 1918?
soldiers refused to fight at kiel
who started leading Germany after the king abdicated?
the social democrats
what two major things did the social democrats do?
sign the Armistice
singed the tov
what other partied existed?
KDP SPD centre party DNVP NSDAP
what was the TOV?
Clause 231
blaming Germany for the war
what did the TOV lead to?
Germany pay back £6600 million to countries after the war
rhine land wasn’t allowed any German troops I=to be entered for 15 years and to be occupied by allies
German territory’s were given away- Alsace Lorraine was given to France
how often would the new president be elected and what would they control?
every 7 year
what does proportional representation mean?
every party would have seats, the main party would have the most seats and made coalitions
what was article 48?
could be abused and allowed president to make themselves dictators
who were the sparticist uprising?
communist group, opposed Weimar government, first serious threat to the Weimar, began 5th of January 1919
why did the sparticists fail?
lack of support from other groups
poor organisation
how many sparticists did they kill using 2000 friekorps men?
100 by 15th jan
what was the kapp putsch?
Wolfgang kapp and 12000 supporters, marched into berlin and declared a new government
why did the kapp putsch fail?
lack of leadership from army members, only concentrated in berlin, wasn’t widley well known
what did the government do after the kapp putsch?
fled to presden and continued there, ended the rebellion
why did not punishing the friekorps men do?
shows weakness of government as recognised how strong they are
what happened in 1923?
invasion of the Ruhr failure to pay reperations, killed over 100 germans, 15000 german workers were thrown out their houses, very poor hyperinflation everything was expensive 1 egg= 80 marks paid debts
munich putsch?
600 sa members marched into beer hall and announced new government
led by lundernoff and hitler
16 Nazis kills
successes of putsch?
hitler= great speaker
democratic methods for hitler
mein kampf
failures of the putsch?
party got shut down
uprising failed
hitler= jail
what good thing happened in 1923?
Stresemann became chancellor, however didn’t have enough support so became foreign secretary from 1924- 1929 and helped the weimar
what did Stresemann do to stop hyperinflation?
introduces rentenmark which reduced hyperinflation
whats the 1924 dawes plan?
Germany borrowed 800 million marks of USA tp pay back reperations
1929 young plan?
reduced repetitions by 60% from 132 million to 27 million
lorcarno treaty in 1925?
GB Germany France Italy Belgium promised not to fight over land
what happened in 1926?
Germany re joined the league of nations
what happened in 1928?
kellog briand pack, agreed no future wars between 65 countries
why did the Nazis originally start?
conquer lebensuram ( living space) abolish TOV destroy government destroy communism remove jews pure race
what role did the Sa have from 1921?
private Nazi army, protected Nazis at meetings etc
who were the Nazis mainly supported by?
anti communists
what date was the Nazi party re opened after the ban of the munich putsch?
27th feb 1925
what happened in 1929 November 24th?
black Thursday, USA, business crisis, demanded for lians to be paid back
how much did unemployement rise?
from 1.6 million to 6.2 million, 33% of workforce was unemployed
1930 elections?
Nazis won 18% of votes= 107 seats
what allowed hitler to become chancellor?
the depression nazus gained 37% of seats leadership skills article 48 persusion propaganda irganisation
how did hitler become fuhrer?
reischtag fire `1933
1933 enabling act-hitler ban communist meetings
nationlist and Nazis joined together- gain seats
hitler incharge of police and councils= gestapo
ban all trade unions
night of the long knives?
Ernst rohm and sa leaders were shot, opposition was removed
what was the ss?
fought sections during ww2
what were concentration camps?
tortured inmates
political opponents
slave labour
first camp set up In 1933
what is the gestapo?
secret police, used torture and surprise attacks
what type of propaganda did the Nazis have?
controlled newspaper articles radios rose from 25% to 70% posters cinema art
why was there limited opposition?
fear of SS and SA
censorship- didn’t know extent of what was happening
opposition was banned
how did hitler control the youth?
1936- hitler youth little fellow- ages 6-18 league of young girl-10-18 pe= 15% of pe in school adolf hitler school
how did hitler control women?
kinder- children kirche- church kuche- cook traditionally dressed medals for amount of children they had encouraged marriage- loans of 1000 marks produce Aryan children
what was the RAD?
men forced to work for free for 6 month
strength through joy?
beauty of labour scheme?
offered prizes for hard work and saving schemes
helped improve conditions in factories
who was georing?
put in charge of the economy
reduced imports
focused on creating jobs
what happened in 1933 to 1941?
boycott of jewish shops jews banned frok public oaths and transport jews prevented from joining the army jews prevented fro important jobs jews had a letter j printed on their clothes jews sent to concentration camps- killed expelled from schools ghettos set up mobule gas chambers introduces names- sarah for women Israel for men Kristallnacht- murdered etc
what happened to concentration camps?
became excursion camps, 6 million jews killed, 6 major death camps Treblinka sobibor belzec majenek chelmno auschwitz